TRAVEL WITH ME #1: SINGAPORE, Sentosa, Garden by the bay, Universal Studios

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

Dearest Steemit friends:

Have you been to Singapore? Or do you have a plan to travel? Well, as you read my blog today, you would be able to have an idea what Singapore looks like.
This is the best picture that i'd captured during our travel in Singapore.
photo credit by: @sorenkierkegaard

Having an opportunity to travel in Singapore, it was really a blessings to me and a dream come true.
I never thought that i would have had a chance to travel though for it is really expensive to travel in Singapore. Everything is dollar.
But i always believe there is nothing impossible when your start to believe your dreams.

Thus, to travel will always be memorable; a memories that can give a values. Or a realization that how God is wonderful.
I always dream to travel to see God's wonderful creations. It's more fun in travelling. In this season of summer. I hope you will have a time to travel with your friends, family and love-ones. It is also a way of building strong relationship. I share it to you because this was my realization when we traveled to Singapore with my team in our business.

The Etymological meaning of Singapore
“The Lion City” or Singapura, from the Sanskrit words “simha” (lion) and “pura” (city).

Mactan–Cebu International Airport

We arrived 3 p.m at Singapore's Changi Airport. It took fours of travelling.
I was with my team in our business in IMG (Internatioanl Marketing Group). It always good to travel with a beautiful young ladies it seems that you will get tired to travel.
photo credit by: @sorenkierkegaard
photo credit by: @sorenkierkegaard


According to Eleanor Roosevelt the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
When we arrived at the airport, i could not believe that my dreams come to travel in Singapore. I had my passport, plane ticket and my Ten Thousand allowance for my travel. I was afraid for it was my first travel Internationally. My pocket money was only 10 thousand pesos because our plane ticket was so expensive. Though, the hotel was already booked.

Let's fly

I have a short video that i would like to share it you, please watch it.

subscribe to my youtube channel


How do you feel when you are in the plane flying in the sky? I felt nervous and a little confused because i could not believe that i was travelling to Singapore. Indeed, it was dreams come true. I told my friend to set beside the window so that i could have a good sight with clouds and to take a video. I was really happy in that time. Happiness that i didn't felt before. Do you experienced that kind of feelings. All of my friends were sleeping and i was the only who always had a fun looking at the beautiful sky and taking pictures. Because of my excitement i was not able to slept in four hours travelling inside the plane. The beauty of the sky was so mesmerizing, beauty that gives peace and happiness within my heart.

At Singapore's Changi Airport

As we arrived at Singapore's Changi Airport we change our clothes for next travel to visit one of our friend there.
photo credit by: @sorenkierkegaard
photo credit by: @sorenkierkegaard


We had struggled in Changi's Airport because the Singapore Embassy interviewed us; These are the following questions.

  • What are you doing here in Singapore?
  • Do you have a friends here, or hotel to stay? What is the name of the hotel and the address?
  • How many days you will stay here?
  • How much money do you have? What do you think it is enough?
    That was intriguing question that i encountered. I was not able to answer directly because i was afraid. I never expected that questions. We stayed three hours in the investigating area. Indeed, God was with us that time; the officer has given us the freedom to go and enjoy the beauty of Singapore. The officer said, enjoy your stay here in Singapore and welcome

Our first day in Singapore


Everyone was excited for our first day in Singapore. We were so blessed because we have a good friend in Singapore to guide us.

Please watch this video

Merlion Park

Merlion Park, is a Singapore landmark and major tourist attraction, located at One Fullerton, Singapore. It was Monday that there were a lot of visitors from another country. We've had met also Pilipinos who also have their visit.
We felt no strangers anymore because we got a lot of friends. People always looked at because we were so noisy taking videos and pictures.
#Antonette photo credit by @sorenkierkegaard
#Jadelyn photo credit by @sorenkierkegaard



All this things happen for i am great dreamer; a dreams to travel. My dear friends, all great men have been great dreamers. Real achievers start with their dreams and so should you.
Always have big dreams about what you want in life. Have a dream bigger than you. A person with a big dreams is more powerful than the riches person on earth. I just realized that they are a lot of people in this world who are rich but no time to travel. To travel is always par of life. The world is so vast. We have to see it how God is great.

I found the love in Singapore

When you are loving your life every beats of your heart. You are sending positive vibration to the universe calling them to love you more. As you can see all my pictures, i was surrounded with young ladies.
Allow me to talk about love. There are three kinds of love, namely 1 . self-love 2 . love of others and 3 . universal love; love for all mankind, which is the rarest type of love. Only very few people ever rise to this level of personal development. Love means placing the highest value on everything and everyone. Real love has five qualities, namely:

  • It is patient and kind
  • never boastful, proud or envious
  • It is not rude or self-seeking
  • it does not keep a record or wrong
  • it is never happy to see evil triumph but always rejoices when truth prevails
  • it protects, trust, hopes and perseveres
    I was inspired with this travel

Because i am love, i got all girls, (hahaha)

It really good to travel having a friends who are loving, caring and kind.
Love is building relationship with others.
Share your love with generosity. Always consider every encounter with others as an opportunity to learn, to grow, to go to the next lever of love. This strengthens the true bonds of friendship . Prepare an action plan for effective relationship with others. Love only grows by sharing, and the only way you can have more love for yourself is by giving it away. The more you give away, the more you have. Love is not just something you feel, but it is something that you do. For example: love of the person you wish to become, love or everybody in your family, love for your neighbors and love for your community people.

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Gardens by the Bay

Gardens by the Bay is a nature park spanning 101 hectares adjacent to the Marina Reservoir. This beautiful garden in the city it always gives mesmerising waterfront views that compelled people to stay overnight. You would be felt, awe.
photo credit by @sorenkierkegaard

We stayed at Garden by the Bay until 8 p.m because we wanted to see the beautiful lights.

We were roaming around in Garden the bay for almost six hours. We never felt tired it is because the good ambiance of the place. And some of my friend went home early because got tired. But since it was my first travel, i always insisted them not to go home early. We have to use our time wisely, hahahhaha, because we spend a lot of money going here. Indeed, it was a memorable day. Memories cannot be forgotten until right now.


Universal Studios Singapore

Universal Studios Singapore is a theme park located within Resorts World Sentosa on Sentosa Island.
photo credit by @sorenkierkegaard


Sentosa is an island resort off Singapore’s southern coast.
photo credit @sorenkierkegaard

The beautiful garden near in Sentosa Merlion


Mr. Delicious # 1 : Singapore: Mufiz Food Corner @ Khatib

I was with Maricel Rula Manigo, Aecilie Aeze Lopez and Jadelyn Reyes, we had our breakfast at Khatib. It was the place were the foods were very affordable. Because if you will visit in Singapore everything is very expensive $ . I did my budgit with my Ten Thousand persos for allowance.
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China town

Since it was our last day in Singapore; we went to one of the biggest public market in Singapore called China Town.
It is one of the oldest Market, where the tourist would come to buy as their gifts. There was also one store that everything is 1$ (Dollar). As we were having fun roaming around inside the market, we had met Pilipinos who worked there. In Singapore there are a lot nationality coming from India, Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia just to work.

Inside the hotel

It is not boring if you travel with friends, who are very friendly. We were able to find friends from Germany and Indonesia. It was morning then that we had a breakfast together. We were preparing for our travel to Philippines.

Goodbye Philippines


Thank you, Singapore. We enjoyed so much for five days of staying. We cherished in every moment of our time, just to have a memorable travel. Indeed, everything was worth it. Dreams come true. Thus, everything worth having is worth of working, worth of fighting for. I should dream big, dream high. I will travel and travel and see the wonderful creations of God. I should enjoy living in this world. How about you my friend? What is your favorite that you keep dreaming to travel. Write it into your diary and read it everyday. Time will come, you will be living in your dreams.

My wisdom in our travel

Dreams are vitamins for success. Keep them alive. Mix with people who dream big. Get away from the dream stealers. Dream is the seed of reality. It takes root and then blossoms. It makes life worth living.
Dreams are the seed for success, just as everything in life that grows is the result of a seed. If you conceive a dream in your mind, plant it in your heart, and water it daily with optimism, then it, too, will grow into a reality. You water it saying, I BELIEVE I CAN, I STRESS I CAN. Plant your dream deep, water it daily, and don't let the weeds of doubt choke it, and your dream can and will become a reality.

What are your dreams?
Write them in your diary. Read it everyday. Pray for it and let go and let God to do everything for you.
Dreams widen your horizon, and open up new frontiers and opportunities. They act as a trigger for your goals, shape your plans, lead you to action and accomplishments. In joyful anticipation, they elicit happiness, and create enthusiasm and hope. They help you overcome boredom; enhance your feelings of worth and competence. They constantly thrust you forward all the way until you succeed in your desired goal.

Always have a dream list of all the things that you like to do in your life. It gives you focus and sense of direction every single living day.

The secret of success is the ability to stay focused on your dream list. Dreams are only realized when they are broken down into manageable units.
There is no winner who never dreamed for a long of the goals of life before their achievement. Whatever may the life situation be, let not your dreams fade away and die. Nourish them, all through your hard and bad days until the time comes for them to bloom in reality.
Your dream prevents you from focusing on prospects of failure. It allows you to concentrate only on what you really want to do. It opens up the mind to the possibilities. You find fulfillment in pursuing your dreams as they help you to contribute to growth and success and the world at large.
Dreams have potency for reality. They tend to encourage you to work towards their realization. Reflect on your dreams at least three times a day. My dear friend may your dreams come true.




Ahm wow look like you really having fun!

WWOOOOWW!!! This is very awesome travel post. Exploring the world is one of my dream. Life is indeed free, we can go everywhere we want. The photos were really beautiful and every looks so happy with their experience. :) AMAZING! 👀 ✨

Dear @iamwhatiamnot, thank you so much for visiting my blog. yes, i agree with you that life is free, travel while we are still alive. witnessing God's wonderful creation..

the first photo is indeed captivating! i am glad to know that you enjoyed your singapore trip. i have never been to singapore but your story made me want to go there too soon!

Dear @junabridem thank you so much. Yes, i think you should Singapore someday; i tell you in is a beautiful place. Where you from?

am from bohol but i am based in cebu now

The Tiger Economy of Asia! Definitely one of the great spots to go to when in Singapore. The MBS and Sentosa. I missed going back :)

oh' really? you ready visited Singapore. That was so amazing.

Several years ago :)

Wow! Nice travel blog. While reading your blog, it is like that your bringing me to singapore. I wish I could also have my vacation there too. Keep it up! God bless @sorenkierkegaard

someday we will bring you, just prepare your passport. some dreams will come true.
in one year we have four countries to visit

Wow! So nice. Yes I already have my passport.

Amazing! Nice post @sorenkierkegaard.. I hope i could travel there soon too.. Such a lovely place to go.. <3 Thanks for sharing! :)

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