in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Dear friends,

“True charity requires courage: let us overcome the fear of getting our hands dirty so as to help those in need.” (@Pontifex)

How do you celebrate your birthday? Most probably you had spend your day with your common friends and your family.
What if you will celebrate your birthday with the poor people? Giving foods and eat with them. Spending time and chat with them or helping them as act of charity. What do you think it is nice idea?

Well, today is my 26th birthday before i used to celebrated my birthday with my family and friends. But today i celebrated my birthday which is something different unique, meaningful, simple and yet memorable.

There was an old woman selling her candles.
she was setting in the wheelchair. She got injured last 6 years, she cannot walked. But i really admired her courage to worked everyday just selling candles worth of one peso each.

There are our conversations:

@sorenkierkegaard: Good afternoon Nanay, how are you?
Old woman: I am okay with the mercy of God.
@sorenkierkegaard: How young are you?
Old woman: I am already 65 years old. I am still young with the spirit. (she was smilling while saying this)
@sorenkierkegaard: O'h praise God. Are you still okay selling candles even you are old already?
Old woman: Yes, i am okay. If i stop selling candles then who will take care of my children, who will put foods in our table? We are poor, i need to work hard though sometimes is hard.
@sorenkierkegaard: Oh, sorry to hear that, i see that you are hardworking woman and a sweet mother. Today is my birthday, i am going to help you, i will be the one to sell your candles.
Old woman: Oh, noh, you look handsome men, this job is not for you.
@sorenkierkegaard: It is okay nanay, i will do something great today. For that reason i will help to sell you candles.

I have a video and i uploaded to my YouTube channel, please watch it.

At first it was hard to this kind of act of charity helping poor people.

It was the moment i had experienced of rejection. Some people don't buy my candles. They say, NO, i feel hurt inside, when rejected me. I just realized that it is not easy to sell candles many people would reject you.


Dear friends when you will celebrate your birthday, please spent your especial day the marginalized people in our society. They need love,help and care!

“Take care of God’s creation. But above all, take care of people in need.” (@Pontifex)

I would say that,


“This is why I want a Church which is poor and for the poor. They have much to teach us. Not only do they share in the sensus fidei, but in their difficulties they know the suffering Christ. We need to let ourselves be evangelized by them.” (Evangelii Gaudium, 198)

“The poor person, when loved, “is esteemed as of great value”,[168] and this is what makes the authentic option for the poor differ from any other ideology, from any attempt to exploit the poor for one’s own personal or political interest. Only on the basis of this real and sincere closeness can we properly accompany the poor on their path of liberation.” (Evangelii Gaudium, 199)

THANK YOU SO MUCH. Keep following for more inspirations!

Your friend

P.S this post was inspired by @sweetsssj, and @surpassingoogle @steemph.cebu


Upvoted and re-steemed.
Thank you for what you do, kudos kuya.

That is so kind of you @bayanihan we will not forget the poor for us to achieve UNITY. Thank you!

your friend

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