My 20 Minute Walk to Work in Dalian China in a 30 Photo Journal

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Every Tuesday and Wednesday this is my walk, uphill, both ways, at 7:30am, no joke.

100% @solarguy content and photos

I think I managed to trim down my photos to the best 30, more than 30 photos and it's probably too many, I think I am pushing it now.

This is what I see on my way to work. I do prefer this trek more in the winter or at least cooler days. In the summer I melt like ice cream even before the sun is over the tops of the buildings. Brutal heat, I can't wait to spend this summer back home in Canada pretending to be a tourist.

Here it is. The sights I see for the first 30 minutes of my morning once I get outside. With commentary

The view down my quiet street. Shadows stretching before me. I must be walking west.

I turn right at the first street to take a short cut. This way I hike over a huge hill which is the same height as a 10 story building.

An old man doing some exercises after picking up some things from the shop, you can see his bag hanging from the bar. I will have another post about this soon.

Usually a bustling market in the morning, it's now 7:30am and by now it has dwindled down to a few stragglers. 6:30am is the busiest time, mostly retired folks who will nap while we work.

I love this little shop. The lady and her husband probably have kids my age (36) and they sell cat food and kitty litter. They have a little dog named Coco. Very friendly couple I go out of my way to give business to.

The Steps
This is just demoralizing to look up at. I mean, at 7:30 and having to make this your wake up hike is brutal. I smoke, I drink (not daily) and then seeing this is like "i need a new job" or "TAXI", nah, I love my job and the hill is probably good for me.

Notice that big golf ball looking structure on the hill over there. It's actually a weather tower, that's what it's called. The school I am heading to is literally right below it. It's in another photo coming up right by the school.

The Pitiful Dog I see this pooch every time in the same spot. Must be nice in the sun.

This is about midway up the steps. A couple of men chatting about news I assume or talking about what they are going to have for lunch or bragging about their breakfast.

With so many hills being leveled and cut to fit as many buildings as possible bridges are needed to get home.

After the Steps Yes I made it up the steps, huffing and puffing and it's still not the top. I need to go up the road here and then around the bend and up a little more.

I can't believe I spotted this cat through the branches taking a sun bath.

An old man with his prized birds. He's not out here often, I lucked out he was there today. Now, I am all for having pets but birds are the one pet I wouldn't keep. The whole idea of keeping them in cage is awful. Some will argue "but your cats are kept in your home, like a cage. Why does it matter?"

Well I would tell them at least my cats can run, jump, hide, hunt dust bunnies and in the least go in to other rooms. While the birds are not even able to flap their wings to the fullest or fly like they were meant too. Birds just want to escape captivity and my cats love the easy life. When I lived in the countryside of Canada (Muskoka) our cats would come in and out of the house several times a day, they always returned; pet birds will not.

So close to the top, a small dip down then over the hump and on to other interesting sights. I used to live up here about 4 years ago actually. It's a great place to find "Green Gold" growing in the wild.

"OH, glorious day, I get to go down the hill."

I won't be going down these steps. I need to walk along the hill for a while then I can drop down the steeper part coming up.

I walk along here for a while. The other side of the brick wall is a steep drop and some ninja style urban gardens the locals keep.

Typical entrance of the residences along this road.

Well their ain't much wood to burn. Well, there is but it's not clean, it's pallets, furniture, and scraps scrounged up, all covered and treated with a variety of chemicals. I wouldn't burn unless it was my only option for survival. It seems this one hasn't been used in a while, that's good news.

Every time I walk by this dog comes right up to me from behind, sniffs my ankles and smells my cats and barks at me like I'm trying steal his bone. If I wasn't in such a rush for my lessons I would try to win him over.

Random Public Use Exercise Equipment these things are all over the city, usually near bus stops. Quite popular with the over 60 crowd. I got a post loading up all about them. I just need to have a chat first and get the low down.

HOLY CRAP! steps going down. Breathing slows and my body and mind begin to relax physically. Uneven steps are still not so bad after coming over the top of North Mountain, the name of the hill. It was actually battled over during the wars and hundreds of solders, Chinese, Japanese and Russian have killed and died here for control.

It's actually getting into a kind of wealthy part of the city. Mostly old Japanese houses which would require a huge bank account to live in one.

First time to see a sad, dirty, lost, pink teddy bear. I wondered if it fell off the garbage truck or if some child is losing sleep over it.

The view of downtown from the other side.

Not all these old Japanese houses are for the rich. You can squeeze several large families into one and never do upkeep. ^^

Local delivery guys organizing and getting ready to take all those TaoBao (Chinese Amazon) orders out to the fine people who are keen to shop online. China beats the West daily with online shopping, yes this one country beats out all the west in this department.

Home Stretch err, work stretch. Once I see this I know I'm just minutes away.

That's the place. WangHai Xiao Xue which means Wanghai Primary School one of Dalian's more prominent schools downtown. If you look close enough you can see that Golf Ball looking weather tower is now on the opposite side as the first time i mentioned it and a whole lot closer.

I get to do it all again on the way home but I usually wuss out and take a taxi. Mostly because I don't go directly home. I will walk to another 15 minutes away from home to do some grocery shopping at Carrefour then take a taxi home.

Just another day of my Canadian soul in the land of China.
Leave a comment and I will give you my Vests.


Looks like 20 mins of good exercise. Hope it does not rain. Does it rain often?
Seriously, the photos did turn a long time to load with my slow speed here.
I don't know if there's any magic number. I tried to keep it to 10 to 20 and reduce the file size if I don't forget.

Last night i was having a glitch voting and commenting and posting from my computer. It did work from my phone but it's not so user friendly. So my reply wasn't complete. Today its working, long story i cant explain.

Anyways, Dalian gets rain but rarely is it a crazy rain. I don't carry umbrellas because i always lose them. If it does rain I would try to catch a taxi but they are so busy and they never come up my road because its a quiet dead end so I will have to walk at least 120 meters to the nearest road with taxi's but will most likely walk much further.

Yes, I phone not so good for steemit. plus some people told me have issue on iphones and another one on android. I tried posting on phone couple of times when I had more time waiting for something. It took so much trouble that I found best to avoid as much as possible. There were people who had problem with phones and used esteem and seem to have given blessing to it thought I've not tried myself.
It's been raining quite a lot here and heavily at times but no typhoons here. Thankful for that. I don't like to carry umbrella. Sometimes, I improvised with a newspaper and walk across the road. Then, I am good because it's sheltered to the train station. 120m is not so bad. :-)
I've wonder if my Android phone has a way to resize multi-images without having to go Windows.
Just found this and not tried. Maybe worth exploring.

let us know how it goes. that would save tons of time. I just ms Paint edit everything. lol

Crap. I do take load time into consideration for size of photos though amount i will do now.

Very eye opening read! I can't even imagine taking more than a 15 minute walk to work (my house is literally 100 meters away from my office).

All the walks and treks done and you've only just begun your day! Im sure you're a very healthy and positive person in life and work (walking does that to people). Its very different where I'm from (Malaysia). Almost every household own a car or motorcycle and even on short trip to the grocery store people drive their cars because it's easier although less environmentally friendly. I personally walk to where I wanna go (I have the luxury of living nearby a commercial area) so at least I can relate even if just a small bit to this post.

By the way your city looks huge! Even so far from the city Centre your streets are packed to the maximum! And please correct me if I'm wrong because I understand that Da Lian isn't even your province's central city right?

China really is huge. And I agree fully that companies from China like Alibaba easily dwarfs every other company of the same industry around the world.

wow great comment.

I would love to live 100 meters from work, I could but it would be too loud and busy. I chose this spot, not the cheapest for the size but because it's quiet and slightly off the busier streets.

There are so any cars here. It's crazy. I, as a foreigner, can't easily drive a car. Walking or taxi or bus is my only option unless i want to do Chinese Drivers education, which I don't. lol I am not far from the heart of the city. With a 5 minute walk I can find a bus to pretty much anywhere. But I, and the planet, do appreciate you thinking about the environment in transportation choices.

It's true Dalian is a *Second Tier city with 6,000,000 people in the area. I'm from Canada's largest city which 3.5 million. BUT you're in Malaysia, those cities must be big compared to Canada. The capital of this province Liongning is a city called Shengyang and it has even more people, maybe twice the size but half as interesting, from what I am told by both locals and expats.

Chinese business are totally primed to take over the world. Too bad for them their big paying customers are from the West and Trump is putting an end to that with either trade deals or wars.

Many Malaysians visit and do business with Dalian. I have some friends here who have Malaysian business contacts.

I'm gonna follow you, you got stuff to say. ^^

Nawww man, thanks for the follow and encouragement.. I haven't even started writing. Ive been meaning to blog for a long time.
But... (There's always a "but") I haven't had the discipline or means to. I guess the advent of Steemit is a calling to me to get started. And I already got myself a follower!!!
Fret not, you'll get to read my ramblings and have the luxury to give constructive criticisms soon.

Owh so you're Canadian? Pardon my misunderstanding I thought you're a local form your post. And wow, a Canadian who travels to China to teach (I presume English?) the kids of China. You must have lotsa stories to tell! Well, I'm from a small town (they call it a city here) of 300k population on the isle of Borneo, state of Sarawak. The biggest city (Kuala Lumpur) in Malaysia has about only half the population of (Toronto I suppose?) though. But I guess the number isn't absolute because Kuala Lumpur is surrounded by almost equal sized satellite cities by now.

Yep, it's true savvy Malaysians business folks often have business ties with China (but then again which countries don't want to have business ties with China.)

Thanks by the way. You'll get a follow from me too!

I did notice you were when I added you. Get writing man. No time like the present.

do an introduction post use the tag #introduceyourself it usually gets good rewards and many people check it.

Nice to meet u

On it! Should be posting it this weekend. Excited and jittery about my maiden literature flight.. ;)

you are going to give me your vests ?

hell ya. as much of em as I can. ^^

Great read. I feel as though I have actually been there.

Sweet that was my goal.

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