Four Things You Need in Your Pocket When Travelling in China

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Where ever you travel there will always be a few things vital to a good time where ever you are on this big odd ball planet. Travel Tips.

I’ve been living in China for over five years and no matter which city I find myself I am always happy to have these items on hand whenever I’m out. Don’t worry though they’re all small and can fit in your bag or pockets and if you forget to bring them they aren’t expensive making them easy to find. I’m sure there are some other things one might need but these are important.

Small Pack of Tissues.

Most public toilettes I’ve been to do not provide toilette paper. Very few do, not even in decent restaurants or shopping malls. Someone might even outside waiting to sell you some when you need to lu. I’m not sure why it’s not a law here like in most western countries but most local’s say it’s because it will get stolen. So best to keep some with you trust me.

Cash is King

With so many digital options to pay in China it’s really easy to go days or weeks without touching cash. They have several very popular services on WeChat, which everyone here has including expats and AliPay to name a couple. However, you might lose your phone; it runs out of power or for whatever reason it just doesn’t connect to the internet. Enough cash to at least pay for a taxi home or to your hotel takes some stress out travelling.

Antiseptic Rubbing Alcohol

Again when using public washroom often they don’t provide soap. Many do these days but it isn’t surprising to see a sink without hot water and no soap. Even hospitals I’ve been to have soap or hot water in the public W/C’s. Being able to rinse your hands and then apply some rubbing alcohol will help keep you healthier.

A smart Phone with the APPS.

I will assume you are global jet setter whose phone is literally and extension of your body, to be without it would leave you feeling naked or like a hand has been amputated. If you’re visiting you might be disappointed anything google doesn’t work here, not even emails or google maps. Here are some useful apps that work in China that will help you have a good time. All APPS mentioned are available on any APP store and iPhone.

Google Store Does Not Work in China, you should install b fore you arrive. I don’t use Apple but it is very popular here many apps are accessible in the Apple Store APP.


I really mean it when I say everybody uses it. This APP is all in one for making all locals lives a little easier. It’s a micro messaging app that allows you to pay bills, buy movie tickets, call a taxi and it has GPS maps. It will be important to have when networking with locals and making friends, this is how most people communicate. The chat service has a decent translator so you have some sort of a conversation without talking the same language.

New Email
If you’re using Gmail like so many others you will not be reading emails until you leave the country. I recommend using or both of their services work fine here and you can forward all your Gmail’s to another service that works here. Or enjoy being out of touch it also has its pluses.

I’m sure there are a bunch more APPs that will make your life here easier. I can’t live out these ones so if you know anymore please share in the comment section. I’m always looking to try a new useful APP.

Image Credits.


Actually I just realized you forgot something Which is very important; make sure to bring noise canceling headphones 🎧 . I'm sitting in the train right now and just put mine on. The guy next to me is watching some series on his mobile on full volume...

Oh man I hate that, or loud games when everyone else is quiet. That's why I almost never go to the cinema in Dalian, people talk on their phones likes it's not bothering anyone. I have never been once where a mobile phone didn't ring the person answer and talks louder than the movie. I suppose is noise cancelling headphones would be too helpful at the cinema though, lol

Man I couldnt agree with you More. My wife pulls me to the cinema occasionally and I really don't want to go. I have been here for 15 years and can also say that I have never watched one movie in the cinema where a mobile didn't ring. I really don't want to go to the cinema here- it sucks... period ..

I think it applies to many countries also

I'm sure it apples in many places accept the google thing, that's mostly a China issue.

Hi-tech in China is amazing now and used for everything but sadly hygiene is still a problem and yet to be successfully resolved. The low-tech stuff seem to have been forgotten along the way and the lack of "toilet paper" is one of those. But this will improve with time as the younger generation and new thinking becomes more dominant in society.

I think everyone here is hoping the next generation will be more demanding of these types of services, like toilette paper and soap, I mean it doesn't have to cost the government. There usually someone nearby selling tissue at the public places tough but not always.

Antiseptic rubbing oil is a life saver for sure, tissue is also something very important carry ! These are all things that you don't want to learn from experience, but that is better to find out beforehand hehe . tip! 0.3

never leave home without it.

Good tips. I would have never guessed that about toilet paper though!

Thank you for sharing your experiences with getting up and running. Keep on working at it. Perseverance and hard work are the keys to success. @solarguy

its good advice or we can say good information because when we travel outside country or unknown place then this kind of thing helpful because go anywhere with preparation is nice idea.

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