[Vietnam #5] 'Da Nang' is popular these days? 베트남 다낭 여행기 !

in #travel6 years ago

안녕하세요 스티미언 님들 :-) 오늘은 다낭을 다녀온 이야기 입니다.
인기있는 여행지죠
저렴한 물가, 편리한 교통 , 휴양지이며 관광거리도 있는
날씨가 정말 좋아지는 요즘 여행을 또 가고싶지만 ...
최근에 여행을 다녀온지라 열심히 일만하며
이렇게 포스팅으로 여행을 다녀온 기분을 느끼고 있어요 ㅎㅎ
그럼 오늘 다낭 포스팅을 시작해 보겠습니다

Between an ordinary life and an wandering life
-episode of Vietnam -
일상과 방랑사이 베트남편
by Homoviatro @Smile.jay.

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제 글과 사진이 마음에 드신다면 팔로우와 소통의 댓글 그리고 보팅 부탁드려요.


요즘 다들 다낭으로 간다며?

다낭의 볼거리와 소소한 재미 이야기

부모님과,친구들과 벌써 다낭만 4~5번 여행을 다녀왔어요
왜 다들 그렇게 다낭 다낭 할까요?

I heard Da Nang is popular these days?
Attractions to see and interesting anecdotes of Da Nang

I visited Da Nang with my parents and friends 4 to 5 times already.

Why are people obsessed with Da Nang these days?

I think popularity is increasing for Southeast Asia as a tourist destination, these days.
Most round trip tickets from Korea to Vietnam can be purchased under 250,000.
If you compare the rates with food, transportation, and other spending, there wouldn't be much difference in cost of 3 nights trip between to Jeju Island or to Vietnam.
But is the low cost the only reason of the popularity?


아름다운 해변으로 이름난 미케 비치

미케 비치?
당장 뛰어들고 싶은 맑음도 없었고 ,
파도도 어느 정도 있어 수영을 하고 싶은 욕구가 많이 생기는 바다는 아니었어요
그런데 포스팅에는 다들 미케비치 미케비치 하더라구요

Maybe the My Khe beach known for its beautiful view?

It's definitely not a beach you want to jump in because the water isn't so clear.
And it's definitely not a beach you want to swim in because the waves aren't shallow.
When I first went to My Khe Beach,
I just passed by and only took pictures.

The next day, I rented a motorcycle and when I was heading to Linh Ung Pagoda,
I drove around My Khe Beach.
Along the coast, pretty cafes and the typical Southeast Asian scenery caught my eyes.
The ocean never disappoints you.


숲 속에 들어가면 그 숲에 사는 나무와 벌레 동물들 하나하나 다 알 수 있지만,
그 숲이 얼마나 크고 아름다운지 아니면 정말 조그만 숲일 뿐인지는 알지 못한다 했어요
제겐 미케비치가 그랬어요
다낭이 한눈에 들어오는 린응사에 올라갔더니
미케비치 바로 앞에서는 몰랐던 미케 비치의 진가를 비로소 알 수 있었어요.
내가 본 해변 중에 가장 긴 백사장이 끝이 안 보일 정도로 이어져 있었고 사진으로는 도저히 다 담아낼 수가 없었어요.
실제로 다낭의 해변은 20KM 가 넘으며 아시아에서 가장 긴 해변이라고 해요.

When you head along the My Khe Beach and to the Linh Ung Pagoda, there is a small forest by the temple.
There is a saying that, you may know the names of all of the tress, insects, and animals in the forest but you won't know whether it is a big beautiful forest or just a small forest.
This was when I was talking to a friend about relationships,
and I didn't know that I would think of such a thing at that kind of situation.
When I went to the Linh Ung Pagoda,
the entire view of Da Nang was in front of me.
Then, I could see the true value of My Khe Beach that I couldn't see when I was up close.
It was the longest beach that I had ever seen.
The white sand extended out so long, that I couldn't see the end.
It couldn't even be captured in photos.

In Korea, long beaches with soft sand can be seen often,
but it's hard to know the beauty of swimming in a beach with white sand and small rock as well as the how good the environment is for swimming.
Da Nang's beach is over 20km and it's the longest beach in Asia.



린응사 이곳 또한 아름다운 곳이에요

바다를 바라보고 있는 이사찰은 시내에서도 멀지 않은 하가로운 곳입니다
거대한 레이디 부다 상이 있구요

Dhua Linh Ung ( Bao Tang Da Nang)

Chua Linh Ung (Bao Tang Da Nang) in which, the beautiful My Khe Beach can be seen, is another gorgeous site.
This Buddhist temple facing the ocean, is not too far from downtown.
There is a big Lady Buddha statue.


동굴과 사찰이 있는 블루마운틴

대리석 산인 블루마운틴,
그래서 산으로 가는 길에는 대리석을 이용한 조각을 많이 판매하고 있어요.
입장권은 동굴과 화려한 사찰 두 개를 끊어야 해요
사찰안에도 조그만 동굴이 있어 시간이 부족한 경우는 사찰만 구경하는 것도 괜찮아요.

Chua Non Nuoc

It is a Blue Mountain, Chua Non Nuoc (marble mountain).
So statues made of marble are sold on the ways to the mountain.
You have to purchase admission tickets for both the cave and the gorgeous Buddhist temple.
Inside the Buddhist temple, there is small cave so if you don't have enough time, it's a good idea to visit only the temple.
When I first visited this place, it was extremely hot.
But since it was in the afternoon, the sunset helped it cool a little.
On my second visit, it was a rainy day and inside the cave, there were a lot of water drops.
My clothes were wet but it was a nice weather with cool wind breezing.
I am mentioning the weather for two reasons.
There is a very steep stairway, so you must be prepared to sweat on days that are extremely hot.
It's a good idea to avoid hours of the day that are too hot.
For the temple,
you can purchase a lift on the elevator for a small fee but it only takes you to the height of about 3rd floor.
At the end of the cave, you can enjoy the view of Da Nang.
Temple is gorgeous and is bigger than I thought.
Behind the temple,
There is a small cave to hide from the hot temperature and which statues of the Buddha can be seen.


프랑스인들의 휴양지 바나힐

다낭 시내에서 40 Km 정도가 떨어져 있고, 그곳에서 5,800m 길이의 케이블카를 타고 올라가면 시원한 휴양지 바나힐이 있어요.
프랑스 식민지 시절 프랑스인들이 더위를 피해 이곳에 휴양지를 만들었다고 해요
더운 다낭 여행 중 잠시 느끼는 시원한 바람과 꽃 그리고 놀이동산 같은 이 휴양지를 들려봤는데
실제로 놀이기구들도 있으며, 여기저기에서 공연과 이벤트도 해요

Bana Hills Resort

Downtown of Da Nang is about 40km away from the resort for French people called,
Bana Hills Resort. There is a cable car that can take you to Bana Hils.
During the French colonial times, the French made the resort to avoid the hot weather.
I visited this resort and it felt like an amusement park. I was able to feel the cool breezes and its beautiful flowers in between my very hot Da Nang trip.
When I visited there, it was rainy, cold, and foggy weather.
I couldn't even see 5 meters ahead because of the fog.
It was disappointing for many reasons, but it didn't feel so bad walking in fog.
Bana Hills was like an amusement park.
There were actual rides as well as performances and events here and there.
There were a lot of places to take photographs so if the weather was better,
it would've felt like a much more bright and entertaining place and not a resort.

리조트에서의 휴양

다낭을 찾는 이유 중 하나는 바다 앞 럭셔리 리조트 또는 저렴하지만 좋은 리조트에서 푹 쉴 수 있는 환경 그리고 수영장과 프라이빗 비치에서 즐기는 휴양이 아닐까요?
바쁜 일상에서 벋어 난 꿀 휴가는 더 앞으로 나아갈 수 있는 원동력이 되기도 하구요!

Vacation at the resort

One of the reasons Da Nang is popular, is because of the luxurious resort by the beach or even cheaper but fine resorts. Inside the resorts, there are comfortable environments; swimming pools and private beaches.
This relaxing vacation, away from busy lives, could be a motivation for improvement.

참 박물관

호이안의 미선 유적지를 갈 예정이라면 들려보는 게 좋아요.
둘 중 한 곳만 보면 뭔가 아쉬운 느낌이 있지만 이 두 군대를 다 본다면 비로소 참파 왕국의 미선 유적지를 모두 본 기분이 들어요!

The Museum of Cham

It's a great place to visit if you are planning to visit historical sites of My Son in Hoi An.
If you visit only one, it might not feel satisfying but if you visit both places, it will definitely feel like you have seen all historical sites of My Son from the Cham Pa Empire.
The place is filled with ruins of the My Son's historical sites.

다낭의 시티투어

다낭 시장과 대성당 주변 강가 라인에 따라 콩 카페, 펍들이 들어서 있어요
다낭에도 여러 루프탑 바 들이 있지만 그중 노보텔의 루프탑 바가 가장 유명해요 !

Da Nang's city tour

To find a little bit of fun
There are Cong Caphes and pubs along the river by Da Nang's marketplace and cathedral.
Da Nang is a good place to have a glass of cold beer at night. There are many bars with rooftops, but of them, rooftop bar of Novotel is the most famous.


해변가 쪽 JAZZ 호텔 1층에서는 매일 재즈 밤 8시 즈음 공연이 있어요.
시원한 바다 바람과 음악소리는 참 좋아요.

There is a jazz performance around 8pm everyday on the first floor of Jazz Hotel that is near the beach.
Listening to the cool breeze of the sea and the music playing, can never be wrong.


다낭에서는 해산물들이 맛있어요.

타이거 새우와 가리비 요리들이 맛있었고 , 다낭 랍스터는 생각보다 질겼지만
랍스터 전문 음식점도 있고 ,
비만 같은 해산물 전문 식당을 많이 가요

The seafood in Da Nang was tasty.

Tiger shrimp and scallop dishes were to my flavor, and Da Nang lobsters were tougher to eat than I thought it would be.
There are a lot of lobster restaurants. Restaurants that specialize in seafood, like Be Man, are very popular.

다낭 사람들은 참 밝고 친절한것 같아요 .

핫해지는 이유중 하나가
다낭의 여러 좋은 장소들 그리고 밝은 다낭의 사람들이 주는 에너지가 우리에게도 전해지는 게 아닐까해요.
역시 다낭은 여러 가지 매력을 가지고 있는 요즘 각광받는 휴양지임이 틀림없는것 같아요!

There are various attractions in Da Nang and it is definitely a vacation spot that is on the spotlight.

'Life is self-realization in combination with the people around you'
I think life is a process of self-realization and forming relationships with others at the same time.
The people around you are someone you love; the family you form with that person; friends that are in your daily lives; parents and siblings.
People you are surrounded by, in you life, are very important.
The people you are with, have the power to make difficult situations into happiness.


Special thank you to @ciceron
@ciceron help steemians to break language barrier.

@ciceron은 ‘번역’ 기업 입니다. 창업 이후 KT, 서울특별시, SK, SGS 같은 큰 기업들과의 프로젝트 부터 논문, 전시 등의 전문 번역 서비스를 수행해온 스타트업으로 스티미언의 언어 경계없는 커뮤니 케이션을 돕고 있습니다. 번역을 도와주신 @ciceron 님 정말정말 감사합니다.


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