[Vietnam #4]The City of Romance 'Hoi An' 베트남 호이안 로멘틱해 ><

in #travel6 years ago

안녕하세요 오랜만에 스마일 제이 입니다^^
스티미언님들 다들 잘 지내고 있으시겠죠??
전 오랜여행(?)을 끝내고 한국으로 돌아왔어요
그리고 잔뜩있는 여행 이야기들을 이제 하나둘 풀어내려구요 !
오늘은 밀려있는 베트남 이야기 먼저 포스팅 하도록할게요

Between an ordinary life and an wandering life
-episode of Vietnam -
일상과 방랑사이 베트남편
by Homoviatro @Smile.jay.

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제 글과 사진이 마음에 드신다면 팔로우와 소통의 댓글 그리고 보팅 부탁드려요.


사랑하려면 호이안으로 오세요 Smile.jay 의 호이안 여행 지침서

분위기 깡패라는 말이 어울리는 도시 호이안은 강을 이용해 무역이 발전되었던 도시에요.
올드타운 전체가 유네스코 세계 문화유산으로 지정될 만큼 옛 그 모습 그대로 변함없이 지켜져 오고 있는 아름다운 곳이죠
등불이 켜지는 호이안의 아름다운 밤이 되면 거리로 나와 길을 걷고 분위기를 즐기며 맛있는 저녁을 먹는건 정말 행복한 일이에요 .

Come to Hoi An, The City of Romance.

A Travel Guide to Hoi An, Old Town Isn't Everything.
The night street life of Hoi An makes people fall deeply in love.
A little crowded street, wishing lanterns floating on a quiet river, and the colorful lamplights create romantic atmosphere.
If a couple is enjoying a glass of sweet alcohol by the sparkling river filled with romance, I would pray that their night never ends.
Hoi An, a place with nice ambiance, has developed its trade by using the river.
The entire Old Town was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site, so its appearance has been kept without changing.
Hoi An, as a must go place when visiting Da Nang, has now turned into a busy tourist place.
When the hot temperature and busyness of the day time makes me feel tired, I try to avoid the crowd and instead, I visit nice cafes to have a cup of coffee or go shopping.
Then the lamp turns on and Hoi An turns into a beautiful night city. I take walks on the street, enjoy the atmosphere and have a nice dinner.


호치민 올드타운의 구경거리
일본교 , 중국인 회관 , 올드하우스박물관 , 고관과 회관들에 입장권을 내고 들어갈수 있어요 .
일본교를 밖에서만 구경할 경우 입장권은 필요가 없어요.
어떤 고관을 구경하는 것도 좋지만 올드타운의 이 길거리 자체가 좋아요.
길거리를 걷다 보면 많은 샵들이 나오는데 실제 무역 거리였어서 그런지 이쁜 옷들과 먹거리들이 가득합니다.
해가지고 어두워지면 호이안의 등불들은 자신들의 역할을 톡톡히 해내며 올드타운의 진가를 보여주는듯 해요.

Old Town's Attractions
I purchase tickets to tour high official facilities, halls, Japanese bridge, Chinese hall, and Old House Museum.
For viewing the Japanese bridge only from the outside, ticket is not required.
Actually, ticket system in Hoi An is a little strange.
I visited Old Town 4,5 times but the only time they inspected ticket was during that time.
At the entrances, they don't sell or inspect tickets so I get confused on whether I should buy tickets or buy tickets for only specific areas such as the Japanese bridge. It's kind of vague.
I like to tour around high official facilities but I like the streets of Old Town as its own.
When I walk along the street, there are many shops and it may be because it is the trade street, but they sell pretty clothes and many things to eat.
Some locals come to this area for wedding shoots.
When I look at the pretty pink houses, I can understand why.
After the sun sets and it becomes dark, the lamplights of Hoi An do their jobs by showing the real value of Old Town.
Hoi An's night is lit up even brighter with the wishing lanterns floating on the river carrying the wishes of many.


화려한 호이안에 음식점들 , 유명한 곳은 모닝글로리(Morning Glory)와 망고 룸 (mango rooms)
디저트로는 더 카고 클럽 ( the cargo club) 이 있어요 하지만 오늘 제가 소개하고싶은곳은
시끌벅적한 올드타운 거리 안에 조용한 찻집이에요
Readhing Out Tea House 청각 장애인들만을 고용해 청각 장애인들이 서빙을 하는 카페입니다.

Flashy restaurants of Hoi An
Some famous places are Morning Glory and Mango Rooms. For desserts, The Cargo Club is a place to go.
Hoi An restaurants in Old Town never disappointed me once, they were all so delicious.

If I can introduce one cafe, it's called Readhing Out Tea House. It is a cafe that only hires hearing impaired servers.
It is a quiet place within the noisy streets of Old Town.
They communicate with the writings on the table and show thanks with their smiles.
It I can have a chance, I would love to open one in Korea. It was such a relaxing cafe that helps to get people's mind off things.

호이안에도 바다가있어요 안방비치라는 곳인데요 조금 더 거친 바다와 석양의 빛이 보라색으로 이쁘게 내 카메라 속에 담겼어요 .

Old Town is not all for Ho An.
A little off of the main street, you can see the lives of the local and other attractions.
There is a sea in Hoi An as well.
An Bang Beach
We arrived at An Bang Beach around night time.
We didn't want to go in the water because it was a chilly day. Instead. we wanted to have some beer there.
The rougher waves of the sea and the light of the sun setting down has been captured on my phone with a purple tint.

There are many resorts and hotels by the beach, but they are not gathered in one area but rather spread from one another.
If beach isn't the only place you are visiting, it's a good idea start from the restaurants and cafes by the sea.

미선 유적지
17세기까지 베트남 중부 지방에 있던 참족의 사라진 왕국, 참파 왕국의 유적지입니다.
너무 덥지 않은 날씨만 잘 선택해 간다면 한적하게 산책하며 유적지를 보기 좋아요.
다낭에 가면 참 박물관이 있는데 그곳의 유적들은 대부분 미선 유적지의 유적이어서 함께 보면 더 의미가 있어요.

My Son Sanctuary
It is the ruined kingdom of the Cham in the central part of Vietnam until the 17th century, the kingdom of Champa.
If the weather isn't too hot, it's a good historical site to look at while taking a walk.
The trail for viewing My Son Sanctuary is well put together.
There is the Museum of Cham Sculpture in Da Nang and most of the remains are from My Son Sanctuary so it's meaningful to visit both places.
There is a bus going from Hoi An to My Son, as well as taxis as a transportation.
There is quite a distance from the entrance to the sanctuary, so it's necessary take a shuttle bus.
When I saw the Angkor Wat ruins of the Khmer Empire, I had a curiosity and respect for what kind of culture and life they lived in.
When looking at My Son Sanctuary, I felt curious and amazed but also felt bitter when seeing ruined the kingdom of Champa almost destroyed and corroded,

참 아일랜드 스쿠버다이빙Cu Lao Cha.
호이안 근처에는 참 섬이 있어요.
투어 하는 상품도 있고 이곳에서 스쿠버 다이빙하기도 해요!

Cham Island, Scuba Diving Cu Lao Cha
There is Cham Island near Hoi An
It is a tourist destination and people do scuba diving there as well.
For rainy season, businesses are closed because it's hard to see and for safety issues.
A good time to visit is after March. So select suitable time so you can experience scuba diving as well.
Of all places, Cham Island Diving Center in Old Town seemed the most professional.

When I talk about love by the romantic atmosphere of Hoi An, I think love doesn't change.
But it is still confusing and difficult to understand.
Before I die, I think I can find the definition on the genuine love I gave and the genuine love I received.

Special thank you to @ciceron
@ciceron help steemians to break language barrier.

@ciceron은 ‘번역’ 기업 입니다. 창업 이후 KT, 서울특별시, SK, SGS 같은 큰 기업들과의 프로젝트 부터 논문, 전시 등의 전문 번역 서비스를 수행해온 스타트업으로 스티미언의 언어 경계없는 커뮤니 케이션을 돕고 있습니다. 번역을 도와주신 @ciceron 님 정말정말 감사합니다.


호이안! 너무 예쁜 곳이에요 ^^

맞아요! 특히 밤이 너무 아름다운것 같아요 :)

호이안 구경 잘하고 갑니다~! ㅎㅎ


분위기가 정말 너무 좋네요 ㅎㅎ
가보고싶네요^^ 잘보고갑니다~

로멘틱해요 ! 사랑하는 사람과 가면 더더 좋을것 같았어요 ㅎㅎ

호이! 호이' 호이!! 너무너무 이쁘고 로맨틱해보여요 :)
미선유적지가 가장 인상 깊은것 같아요

오 좋았어요 ! 많이 보전이 안되어있는게 정말 아쉬웠지만 ㅎㅎ
다낭에 참 박물관과 함께 가보면 좋은것 같아요!

오늘도 호출해주셔서 감사합니다!

제가 더더더더 감사합니ㄷㅏ :)

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