Hwangryoungsa 9 Stories Wooden Pagoda Of Shilla Dynasty

in #travel6 years ago

I'd like to post on Hwangryongsa Temple of Shilla kingdom.

There was the plain area in front of the palace of Shilla kingdom.
It was said Buddhist temple in the name of Hwangryongsa in Shilla kingdom
Hwangryong means Yellow dragon which was the symbol of the Emperor.

When I got there there was nothing but scattered stones in the plain.


But the size of the stones were not ordinary for usual temples where I had dropped by.



But it was not easy to imagine the meaning of the stones, meanwhile the oldman whom I met there suggested me looking around the exhibition of Hwanryongsa 9Ba stories wooden pagoda.

He explained the project of rebuilding 9 stories pagoda was undergoing and there I could see some results of the experiment.


I entered into the exhibition building, there stood the miniature of 9 stories wooden building.
It was written in the standing board that the original heights was approximately 80 M.




80M height of the Wooden tower was really amazing for me.
I was wondered how they could build up 80M height with only wooden parts.

They didn’t use any other metal parts in building this 9 stories wooden pagoda.
It was said that the architecture of this magnificent building had been invited from Baekje kingdom.

Actually Baekje kingdom was the most advanced in culture and technique among 3 kingdoms in Korean ancient world.
When there is a chance, I’d like to introduce the pagodas between Shilla and Baekje kingdom.

And it was hard to understand for me they had fought to the end, while they had cooperate with each other for building Buddhist temples and Pagodas

So I could understand the reason why there were lots of scattered big size of the stones there.

There was a secret in building such a high wooden building.
It was the technology to support the weight of the buildings.
I could look at various experiments for rebuilding 9 stories wooden building.
It was so similar with what I saw in the Korean Traditional Architecture Museum. I had already posted that museum before.

The excavation seemed to be undergoing in this area.
I read they had found golden record box during the excavation.
The golden box was exhibited in the Museum, so I ran into the museum and took the photos to introduce that to fellow steemians.



The golden box was so beautiful.
This golden box was found under the this huge stone.

The size of this stone was as big as a car

While I had wandered around the plain area, the one thing, the meaning of history and life, did not leave from my thought.

When you are busy in your mind, it might not bad to walking around Hwangryongsa area.


Dort würde ich auch gerne mal Urlaub machen.
Danke fürs zeigen.

Thank you for stopping by

We cant discount that ancient people have also their way of making amazing things that sometimes became mysteries til today given the advancement of technology that we have now. Their art is really stunning even their tools were not that advance but the result is amazing.

wooow, You professionally snapped great pictures.
Those people were really intelligent and innovative. Guys look at the architecture and Sculpture. this was made by hands and no machines were engaged.
I really love it,,,, Keep it up

Thank you so much

It is a marvel of an edifice to see the miniature version of the Pagoda @slowwalker and the wooden box seems to have kept a long faded memories of what once was inside it but still we can truly witness at heart what Korean culture is as signified by these great Pagodas of Korea from time past.

Thank you so much

Beautiful photography

is that golden box made from 100% pure gold. it is shiny beautiful.

I was wondering the same thing, I want to visit this!

more than 99% may be

Nice photo


My eyes focused on the golden box. Very beautiful. Thanks for your good jobs, good shoot, and perfect eyes.


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