Top 10 Attractions in China 中國十大景點

in #travel7 years ago


With a huge domain and a long history, China offers so much to see and investigate. @skullsoccer has recorded for you the main 10 attractions or must-visit attractions in China.

中國擁有廣闊的土地和悠久的歷史,提供了很多見解和探索。 @skullsoccer為您列出了中國十大景點或不可錯過的景點。

1- The Great Wall of China in Beijing — Ten-Thousand-Li-Long Wall 中國長城在北京 - 長達一千年的長城牆


According to most explorers, you haven't been to China in the event that you haven't climbed the Great Wall.

One of the notorious images of China, the Great Wall is the longest divider on the planet, a stunning accomplishment of old cautious design. Its twisting way finished tough nation and soak mountains takes in some extraordinary landscape. It merits its place among "the New Seven Wonders of the World" and the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in China.

The divider ranges from China's western boondocks toward the east drift, totaling around 5,000 km (3,100 miles), however the most coordinated and best safeguarded areas are near Beijing. So this is the thing that individuals generally mean while saying the Great Wall of China.


中國的標誌性象徵之一,長城是世界上最長的牆壁,是古老防禦建築的令人驚嘆的壯舉。 它在崎嶇的國家和陡峭的山脈上蜿蜒的路徑,帶來了一些風景。 它在“世界新七大奇觀”和中國聯合國教科文組織世界遺產名錄之間佔有一席之地。

這座牆從中國西部邊界到東海岸,總共約五千公里(3100英里),但最齊全,保存最完好的部分靠近北京。 所以這是提到中國長城時人們通常所說的意思。

2- The Terracotta Army in Xi'an — Emperor Qin's Buried Battalions 西安兵馬俑 - 秦皇帝的埋葬營


The Terracotta Army has laid underground for over 2,000 years. In any case, in 1974, agriculturists burrowing an all around revealed one of the best archeological destinations on the planet. In 1987 it wound up noticeably World Cultural Heritage.

It is critical in light of the fact that the many itemized life-measure models speak to the armed force that triumphed over all other Chinese armed forces in the Warring States Period (475– 221 BC), and who were the definitive factor in framing an assembled China. It brings up fascinating issues regarding why it was influenced, which to anticipate your thought when you encounter troopers of the past.

秦始皇兵馬俑已經埋藏了二千多年。 然而,在1974年,農民挖掘了一個很好的發現世界上最偉大的考古遺址之一。 1987年成為世界文化遺產。

這是重要的,因為數以百計的真實尺寸的模型代表了在戰國時期(公元前475-221年)勝過其他中國軍隊的軍隊,以及誰是形成統一的中國的決定性因素。 它提出了有關為什麼這樣做的有趣的問題,等待著你與過去的士兵面對面的考慮。

3- The Forbidden City in Beijing — Imperial Palace for 24 Emperors 北京紫禁城 - 24皇帝皇宮


It was previously a "royal residence city" where conventional individuals were illegal passage. A lavish exhibition of antiquated Chinese engineering, more than 8,000 rooms with brilliant rooftops are richly composed and painted in red and yellow.

The Forbidden City was the royal castle of the Ming and Qing Dynasties for a long time till 1911. 24 sovereigns lived there. World Cultural Heritage, and now known as 'the Palace Museum' among Chinese, it is a fortune place of Chinese social and chronicled relics.

It is perceived as one of the five most vital castles on the planet (with the Palace of Versailles in France, Buckingham Palace in the UK, the White House in the US, and the Kremlin in Russia).

以前是傳統人士非法通行的“皇室”。 過時的中國工程展覽,超過八千個房間與輝煌的屋頂是豐富的組成,畫成紅色和黃色。

紫禁城是明清王朝長城直到1911年的皇家城堡.24個主權居住在那裡。 世界文化遺產,現在被譽為“故宮博物館”,是中國社會文化遺產的財富之地。


4- The Li River in Guilin — Watery Wonder 桂林漓江 - 水y。。


The karst scene along the Li River has caught the core of specialists. Ages of Chinese painters and writers have been propelled by the magnificence of nature there, utilizing their pens and brushes to catch the stunning common landscape.

These days it's a prevalent photography goal. At the point when Chinese explorers look for a place for normal magnificence, they initially consider Li River and Yangshuo.

The 83-kilometer-long segment of the Li River amongst Guilin and Yangshuo is the most lovely. The stream scene is enhanced with startling slopes, soak precipices, and cultivating towns, and is fixed with bamboo forests.

The Li River was recorded as one of the "World's Top Ten Watery Wonders" by America's National Geographic Magazine. A few world celebrated figures have gone by the Li River, including previous US Presidents Bill Clinton and George Bush (senior), and Bill Gates.

漓江的岩溶景觀奪取了藝術家的心臟。 中國畫家和詩人的一代受到自然之美的啟發,用筆和畫筆捕捉令人嘆為觀止的自然風光。

如今這是一個受歡迎的攝影目的地。 當中國遊客尋求自然美景的時候,他們首先想到了漓江和陽朔。

桂林與陽朔之間的漓江長83公里,最美麗。 河流景觀以驚險的山丘,陡峭的懸崖和農村裝飾,並配有竹林。


5- The Yellow Mountains in Huangshan — A Top National Park 黃山黃山 - 國家公園


In east China, near Shanghai and Hangzhou, the Yellow Mountain Scenic Area charms explorers with its five miracles: sun rises, oceans of mists, strangely molded rocks, curved pine trees, and hot springs.

The Yellow Mountains are the most acclaimed crests in China, and one of China's three best national parks — the other two being Zhangjiajie National Forest Park and Jiuzhaigou National Forest Park. Contrasted with the two other national parks, Yellow Mountain National Park is less demanding to get to, and, normally, more famous and occupied.

Jiuzhaigou in west China's Sichuan Province is popular for its kaleidoscopic lakes and fall foliage; Zhangjiajie National Forest Park is outstanding for its twisted shake columns. In the event that you are searching for world-class landscape, consider setting off to every one of them.


黃山是中國最著名的山峰,也是中國三大國家公園之一 - 另外兩個是張家界國家森林公園和九寨溝國家森林公園。 與其他兩個國家公園相比,黃山國家公園更容易進入,而且更受歡迎和繁忙。

中國西部四川省九寨溝以五彩繽紛的湖泊和秋葉聞名, 張家界國家森林公園以其怪誕的石柱而聞名。 如果您正在尋找世界級的風景,請考慮到所有的風景。

6- Giant Pandas in Chengdu — "National Treasure" of China 成都大熊貓 - 中國的“國寶”


The goliath panda isn't just profoundly cherished by the Chinese, yet by numerous outsiders as well, and not simply youngsters. Despite the fact that there are numerous zoos in China and somewhere else, where you can see a mammoth panda, the best place to see them is Chengdu — the monster panda's "main residence".

There are three spots you can see pandas shut everything down: Panda Breeding and Research Center, Dujiangyan Panda Valley, and Bifengxia Panda Base.

Chengdu Panda Center is in the north of the city, and is more settled. Bifengxia Panda Base is 2 hours from Chengdu, has more pandas, and you can see pandas more in their characteristic living space. You can get much nearer to the pandas by taking a volunteer program in Bifengxia or Dujiangyan Panda Valley, a hour outside Chengdu.

大熊貓不僅深受中國人的喜愛,也是許多外國人,而不僅僅是孩子。 雖然中國和其他地方有很多動物園,可以看到一隻大熊貓,但最好的地方是成都 - 大熊貓的“家鄉”。


成都熊貓中心位於城市北部,更加成熟。 碧峰峽熊貓基地距成都2小時,擁有更多的大熊貓,您可以在自然棲息地看到更多的熊貓。 在成都以外的一個小時內,在雙峰峽或都江堰熊貓谷進行志願者計劃,可以更加接近熊貓。

7- The Potala Palace in Lhasa — Symbol of Tibet 拉薩布達拉宮 - 西藏的象徵


The Potala Palace is an image of Tibet. In 1994 it was pronounced an UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site. It is a tremendous fortune place of materials and articles from Tibetan history, religion, culture and workmanship. The castle is generally known for the valuable figures, paintings, sacred texts, Buddhist statues, wall paintings, collectibles, and religious gems housed inside.

布達拉宮是西藏的象徵。 1994年被宣佈為聯合國教科文組織世界文化遺產。 是西藏歷史,宗教,文化藝術材料和文章的巨大財寶。 宮殿以珍貴的雕塑,壁畫,經典,佛像,壁畫,古董和宗教珠寶而聞名於世。

8- The Bund in Shanghai — International Architecture 上海外灘 - 國際建築


The Bund is a standout amongst the most conspicuous compositional images of Shanghai. It features the world with its pioneer European structures and high rises the opposite side of the Huangpu, lodging one of the world's chief business regions.

The Bund was Shanghai's most prosperous region in late eighteenth century and mid nineteenth century. At the point when the main British organization opened an office at the Bund in 1846, it turned into the embodiment of style.

外灘是上海最著名的建築標誌之一。 它展示了世界殖民地的歐洲建築和摩天大樓是黃浦的另一邊,是世界上最重要的商業區之一。

外灘是18世紀末和19世紀初上海最繁華的地區。 當第一家英國公司在1846年在外灘開設辦事處時,它成為優雅的縮影。

9- Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong — Best Spot for Bird's Eye View 香港維多利亞港 - 鳥瞰景點


The view over Victoria Harbor from Victoria Peak is to Hong Kong as climbing the Great Wall is to China; it offers the notorious standpoint over Hong Kong's "skyscraper" to progress and thriving.

Victoria Peak is the best spot to have an elevated perspective of Hong Kong. Seen from the pinnacle, both day and night scenes merit taking in. See elevated structures round the bustling Victoria Harbor extending towards Mainland China. During the evening the view is dazzling, when the Symphony of Lights of different structures moves as one.

從維多利亞山的維多利亞港的景色來到香港,因為攀岩長城是中國的; 它為香港“高漲”成功繁榮提供了標誌性的前景。

維多利亞山是觀賞香港的最佳景點。 從高峰時段來看,晝夜景觀值得一去。看到繁忙的維多利亞港的高層建築延伸到中國大陸。 晚上,風景十分華麗,各種建築物的交響曲一起跳舞。

10- West Lake in Hangzhou — Paradise on Earth 杭州西湖 - 地球之樂


Hangzhou is renowned as China's "paradise on earth" owing to its beautifully crafted landscape. West Lake was created after the Chinese love for garden-style parks for recreation. West Lake is a place of tranquility where urbanity becomes a silhouette on the northeast horizon and mountains near and far surround it on the other three sides. The occasional pagoda and Chinese-style arched bridge add atmosphere to the tree-lined walkways, verdant islands, and hills.

To admire the beauty of West Lake, visitors can leisurely bike around the lake, walk around the lake, or take a short cruise on the lake.

杭州由於精美的景觀而聞名於中國的“天堂之樂”。 西湖是在中國人喜歡花園式公園娛樂之後創造的。 西湖是一個寧靜的地方,城市化成為東北地平線上的一個剪影,在另外三個地方附近和遠近的山脈。 偶爾的塔和中式拱形橋給綠樹成蔭的走道,青翠的島嶼和山丘增添了氣息。






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