Are you a female traveller? [Join the Steemit Girl Traveller Discord]

in #travel7 years ago

Due to my last post, we had a revelation for the Female Travel Community on Steemit.

The only way to reach out to other travellers is through the #travel tag. But, really, that could be anything! Who are the hard core world travellers out here? The backpackers, the digital nomads?


I don't know! But with me almost embarking on my (hopefully) amazing world trip, I have had some questions. I am pretty sure I am not the only one on Steemit - which is where the idea was created to create a Discord channel.

This is where girls can talk about their future encounters, past experiences, new locations, gear, nomad hubs, menstrual cups and tampons ;D

If this thing somehow turns into a success, I have some cool plans for this! And hopefully it will bring the (female) travel community closer!

Special shout-out to @teodora and @oceanelement!


Join our Discord Channel now!


Extra announcement: Are you a developer? I have much bigger plans for the Steemit Travel Community as a whole. Omg, so many projects! Hit me up!


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Hey Shannon!
Enjoyed reading your last blog entry regarding how you're going to pack for this incredible adventure!
What cities will you be in and which months?
I'm wondering what parts of the United States you'll be visiting and when; it would be fun to visit when you're on this side of the pond 😊

Hey bro!

Why thank you! :D So far, we just have a generic idea of where we should go, so not really a reliable plan so far.

In the US, I will only be 10 days. Main plan was to go to Disney World in LA, so we will mainly be roaming around those parts. It's the last part of my trip (beginning of July) so I'll probably be money drained hehe.

If you're nearby, we should definitely meet!

Good travel my honey
Succes always for you @sjennon

You are welcome my honey 😘

I'm not on discord but I am traveling and love it. I'm in Bangkok now and can't seem to leave. It's too nice here. But I soon will. Good luck with your trip and post out here too so people can see you :)

Oo, Bangkok is also on my list! Haven't done thorough research on the city yet, but I just felt like it's something I have to visit. Sounds good though! What's keeping you there :D

Thank you so much! And i shall definitely be posting about my travels!

I'm here for the peaceful life, good prices, hot weather, nice people, and excellent food. I have been to the neighboring countries and this is the one that has my heart now.

It really does sound amazing. I can't wait!! :D

All of SE Asia has been wonderful. There are a lot of us out here :)

I bet! I am super psyched! Would love to meet Steemians out there!

I have met @world-travel-pro which was very cool. It's a small world really :)

Can't wait for a proper travel community on Steemit! Would love to meet Steemians all over the world.

Now you make me wish I was female!Lol!
You are always so full of creative ideas for the platform! Wish you best of luck my friend!

I didn't mean to be rude :( :( You're not a traveller (yet) though! :D

Thank you very much - I will need it <3

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