in #travel5 years ago

Come and discover the great variety of fauna and flora in the Amazon rainforest!

The Amazon Rainforest is one of the most sought after destinations for fauna observation, due to its plant variety, water and for having one of the highest concentrations of fauna of the earth, having species of animals that have not even been cataloged by science.

If you are interested to travel on amazon rain forest then you can contact with peru amazon tours operator for the best price and support.


There are about 427 species of mammals, of which 173 are endemic, 158 species of bats, 110 rodents, whose most famous representatives are the capybara that can measure more than 1 meter and weigh more than 50 pounds, besides paca and agouti. Primates are also very numerous. There are about 81 species of monkeys classified by scientists and are still being discovered, at the rate of almost one per year, which is a high rate for science.


There are at least six original feline species such as the jaguar (jaguar), black (jaguanun), red (puma) and jaguatirica (maracajá cat). There are still 4 species of deer. The tapir is the largest animal in the Amazon, a mixture of rhino and horse. There is also a species of bush pig, called catitu and the peccary, different from the domestic pig, because it has the atrophied syrup. It is also important to mention armadillos, anteaters, skunks and sloths.


Birds are the most impressive for diversity, are about 1,800 species of birds live in the Amazon, among which stand out to rooster, uirapuru, flamengo, royal hawk, eagle, hawk, macaw, parrot and parakeet. Most species are endangered due to the richness of their feathers. In addition to the aforementioned we can add hummingbird, the thrush, cardinal, sanhuçu, corruption, etc. About 41.8% of Brazilian birds, which can be observed there in the Amazon.

In the group of reptiles, we highlight the snakes (sucuri, sucuriju and boa constrictor, which may reach more than 10 meters in length), alligators (alligator-Açu and alligator-tinga), the Amazonian tortoise, the tracajá , the tortoise and the kill will kill.


We could not mention the fish, whose variety reaches more than 3000 species. The best known are: tucunaré, pirarucu, tambaqui, matrinxa, curimata, carauaçu, pacu, hake. Jaraqui, piranha, gold, surubim and sardines. Tucunaré and pirarucu are the most appreciated by the population.

There is also in the Amazon the manatees, mammal fish. It is a rare fish, studied by scientists for being on the endangered fish list. Several species of porpoises also inhabit the Amazon and constitute tourist attractions in various jungle hotels in the region, where domesticated, can be fed and swim side by side with tourists.


For wildlife observation the destinations are varied and include visits to remote areas such as the islands along the Rio Negro and Rio Solimões. Walking in the mainland primary forest, motorized canoeing or rowing along holes, lakes and igapós are one of the best ways to observe Amazonian fauna.


Best Peru Amazon tours daily departures from Lima, Cusco, Arequipa all inclusive rainforest travel packages to Manu trips, Tambopata national reserve

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