Senstless Travel Tip #4 - Removing the wrinkles

in #travel6 years ago

Prior Senstless Travel Tips

My Travel Bag of Choice | Bringing my own Power | Reaching the Power

Unpacking the wrinkles

When you travel for business, you unfortunately need to look presentable which is difficult when you try to pack dress clothes in bag of any sort. It may not be bad if you have one short direct flight, and pack right before. I am never this lucky and my bags are packed for 8-12 hours before I get to my location, and I will fly 2-3 times in a week to a new location. Once you get to your hotel room, you have a couple of choices, but have pros and cons.

Option 1 - Iron and Ironing Board.

Almost every hotel room has an iron and ironing board for exactly this reason.

  • Pros - Its an iron, it gets hot, and removes the wrinkles and creases.
  • Cons - It is a gamble - this isn't your iron at home that you care for, you clean, you make sure to get all the water out, make sure you use the right water. This is used and abused, all it takes is for one iron to spew rusty steam water all over your white shirt at midnight or 5am and your gamble didn't pay off. There are a lot that look like this

How do I know - this happened to me, only clean shirt left, only worn once or twice and I needed to remove the wrinkles. This POS iron started spewing rust water everywhere.... ruined the shirt for the next day, and everyday after that. I no longer risk my expensive shirts a cheap iron in a random hotel room.

Option #2 - The in room steamer

Didn't know your hotel came with one? Its your bathroom with the shower on full hot!

  • Pros: Little to no risk to your clothes barring an accident. You can steam them for a very long time to release even the most stubborn wrinkles. You can also do everything at once to save you time.
  • Cons: There are a few potential downfalls to this plan.
    • Some bathrooms have automatic vents that may need to be temporarily covered with a wash rag or you will never build enough steam to get the job done. Depending on the location this can be very difficult to accomplish, but I have always found a way.

  • Warning- you must always make sure the drain on the bathtub is open. I have a coworker who many years ago, forgot to do just this. Started the steam method with the shower on full hot, and then was promptly distracted by someone at his door. It was the rest of his group going out to dinner, and he joined them. Forgetting about the running shower and clothes. When he returned, the tub overflowed, the room and standing water all over it. The hotel had to remove everything in the room, bed, carpet, furniture, completely bare. One hefyt cleaning bill!!


Option 3 - Dry Cleaning

There is sometimes a third option, dry cleaning. Most hotels offer dry cleaning for you, but the timing can be difficult and the cost can really add up.

  • Pro - You clothes will look great, you just take them to the front desk and pick them up later. This works best for single location longer trips.
  • Cons - You usually need a full day to get your clothes back, no dropping off at 10pm and picking up at 5am. It can also really add some cost if you are doing this on every trip. I have only done it a few times, mostly when I got something dirty or creased so bad, steaming wasn't helping.

What do you do to get out your wrinkles?

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Stack on!!


image (1).jpg
(^^ made by Willsparks88)


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