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RE: Travelers Honeymoon ~ Episode 05 ~ Andaman Islands

in #travel6 years ago

Ah yea it was great and amazing to be so close to nature and still be in India. There aren't too many areas in India where you can find so little people!

So there were these really cool patterns made by the crabs all perfectly designed and than we had made more "sand paintings" like the one eye chicken looking thing in the post, but apparently didn't take any pictures!

Will do this trip for sure now that I have that Steemit incentive....

The property we own for our future homestead feels like it's in the middle of nowhere and we call it No Man's Land!

Thanks you so much


NIce. I was wondering what made those perfect patterns... I was also going to stay home this weekend instead of going snowmobiling but that Steemit incentive made me get up. I thought it would make a good post and even better pictures. With my night schedule it's hard to do anything during the day but I was motivated.

Some people joke about the town that I live in. "It's the City that tries to grow but never does" Seems like we've been growing lately, ever since Outside Magazine nominated us the Greatest Outdoor City in America. Some say "Duluth is 2 hours north of the end of the world" so I guess I'm already living in No Man's Land! Just outside of the city, there are many parcels of land for sale. Typically about $1000 per acre. I'm hoping to buy when 1 Eth hits 100 grand :D

Cool so did you make a post of the snowmobiling? I'll head over to your page in a bit...

Are you in Minnesota? Just asking cause you know, sometimes there are towns with the same name in every state.

I like the $1000 an acre...much better than NY! So you think ether can hit 100 grand? That would be nice... I'm waiting for SBD to turn back around to what it was a month ago!

I'm actually working on the snowmobiling post right now. It'll be up today! I am in Minnesota. Duluth/Superior AKA "The Twin Ports", we are a very important port for the USA!

I believe there's a Duluth in Georgia, but not sure if there's one anywhere else.

Love this place and all of its seasons! Are you in NY? I would like SBD to go back, but there are certain witnesses that are trying to drive the price of SBD back to $1. I am not sure what their reasoning is as I just found out. Gotta do more research, but I need to make this post first.

Ah interesting, about the witnesses. I would like to find out why too. I would rather see Steem going back down to $1.

You can pm me the link if you like after you write the snowmobile!


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