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RE: Learning Spanish Update

in #travel6 years ago

Hello @mikehamm, I notice a misundestanding. The phrase "te encanto" means "you love me". If you want to express your love to someone is better to use "me encantas", that can mean (in a mystic way) "you enchant me".

I hope you will find motivation and oportunities on your way to learn spanish.

¡Pura Vida!

PD: In Costa Rica we use "Pura Vida" to say hello, goodbye, Are you ok?, I am ok, I am fine, I am fantastic... the list goes on. As you wrote, it depends on the inflection of the voice


Thank you for the help. At times it gets very confusing. I am sure learning English is just as hard if not worse since our letters don't always sound the same.

Yes, some times gets confusing. But fortunately there is a lot of good music with lyrics in English, that helps a lot to improve listening and pronunciation. I can recommend you some music in spanish according to your tastes, which muscial genre do you prefer?

Thank you but I already listen to music in Spanish. One of my favorite groups is Jesse & Joy. Their is also an artist that does Neil Diamond songs in Spanish that I like, those really help me since I know most of the words in English also.

I know what you mean about songs in English helping. Once in Mexico a Mexican duo was performing in English and they were fantastic. Every word they sang was perfect or almost perfect, but they spoke no English at all. I was amazed.

¡Muy bien! No queda más que desearte buenos pasos en el aprendizaje del español. ¡Hasta luego!