The Standing Rock Bike Tour- Day 2 - Musical Mantras (Steemit Exclusive)

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

October 11th, Day 2


Rocking like a baby in the tree tops, my hammock swung throughout the night. But by morning, the wind had settled and a warm magenta hue streaked across the Eastern sky. It was still too cold to function, so I fell asleep until it was warm again.


I was not in a rush, but also did't have any time to waste, so I dropped out of my hammock and started packing started to hear the birds sing. I chugged some water, recorded a video journal, and then hit the road.

Ten miles in, a landscaping truck pulled me over. Fortunately, the driver was not the grumpy, hairy armed, burly landscaper that I expected, but instead, was a short and smiling, cute hippy girl with dreadlocks.

With an excited, effervescent gait, my friend Emily got out of her car and ran to me. She wrapped her arms around me, and asked, "Scottie! What are you doing out here?"

“Oh, nothing really- just riding my bike to Standing Rock,” I said nonchalantly, holding back a grin.

At first, she lit up with excitement. Then, as if catching me in a lie, she asked, “But wait... aren’t you going the wrong way?”

I looked around, as if in shock, and said “Oh Sh—!”

I paused, and looked at her as if I had made a horrible mistake. Then I winked and broke into a grin: “I need to go to Manitou Springs first. I know it’ll be about a two hundred mile detour- but this is important. I need to go bless up some mineral water.”

We were only able to chat a minute longer before she had to return to her truck. Then we were both back at it, rolling along that endless, sunbaked road.


















When I made it to the Air Force Academy, the asphalt gave way to a gravel path, and I decided to cool my jets- I earned a snack. I found a scenic view, and unpacked the sandwich I had bought in the previous town. Then, in a moment of ultimate satisfaction, I tore into the BLT like a ravenous mut.

I called up my friend Philana, who was currently at Standing Rock, to let her know that I had started my journey. I met Philana a couple months before at The Arise Music Festival, and we instantly hit it off. For two weeks, we toyed with the magic found in our connection, and watched it grow stronger- until at last, she heard her call to go to Standing Rock.

She left back in September, and arrived right before the D.A.P.L. Security Guards had their German Shepherds attack the Water Protectors who were in their way. Appalled at the sight, she decided to stay.

That decision kind of crushed what we had going on- but we stayed connected nonetheless. She was my eyes and ears in camp, and helped me understand more about what was really going on at Standing Rock.

I enjoyed hearing her perspective of everything, and paced my way across a rocky path as I talked to her.

As soon I got off the phone, I jumped into action and found a good spot to film a music video. I set the angle, picked the lettuce out of my teeth, and tuned up my six strings. A couple takes later, I had a solid music video to share.

The tune went a little something like this...

“I’m a man on a mission, with ample ambition,

To practice precision, to manifest my vision.

For I have a dream that the whole world is healthy,

And I’m calling out, ”Will anybody help me?”

The chosen people choose to be the change they want to see,

So I’m going to change the world by improving my reality.

Because I want to be healthy, wealthy and wise,

Successful and happy, and in love with my life.

For the best things in life, are those natural highs,

You see these dreams gave me wings,

Now you can watch me fly!

I’m a man on a mission, with ample ambition,

To practice precision, to manifest my vision.

For I have a dream that the whole world is peaceful.

Help me remember that we’re all created equal.

Kindness and compassion will empower the people,

So let me cease to condemn, for I know that its evil.

Only love will empower the people.

So let’s love, let’s love, and empower the people,

Because we are powerful people,

So let’s empower the people!

So, I’m a man on a mission, with ample ambition,

To practice precision, to manifest my vision.

For I have a dream that the whole world is united,

And neither race nor religion can divide us,

For we have all recognized, that The Divine lives inside us.

There is a party going on, and we all are invited!

And I’m so excited! So I am, yes, I am…

I’m a man on a mission, with ample ambition,

To practice precision, to manifest my vision.

I have a dream that clean water is forever protected,

And indigenous rights and treaties are always respected.

No man, woman, child, or elder, ever gets neglected,

For we have finally remembered, that we all are connected,

Through the water, we’re connected.

So let it be respected, yes we must protect it!”

After everything was packed up, I pushed off.












Miles and miles down the rough dirt trail, asphalt reappeared, and Colorado Springs emmerged. I wasn’t in a familiar neighborhood, but I knew the rest of the city like a tree knows its branches. From here, it was only a matter of time before I got to The Garden of the Gods. Which was good, as the sun was beginning to set once more.

Fortunately, the scene I was searching for wasn’t that far away. It was perfect too. With both Pikes Peak and the Kissing Camels in the background, I was knew I had everything needed to film an epic music video.

The sky blossomed, my guitar sang, and I chimed in with a couple inspiring lyrics- or motivational mantras if you will.

It went like this-

I’m patient and persistent,
And yes, I’m ready and willing to go the distance,
I’ll make a difference, and be the change I want to see,
Dip my pen in ink, and design my destiny.
I am whoever I say I am,
And I can, do anything,
And I love, the way I live my life,
It’s my art, and my masterpiece.

And I’m feeling at peace,
With where I am,
What I have,
And what I can, do,
Imma do it!
I’ve got a dream, I must pursue it,
So I’m To-Do List diving,
And in love with the music,
So I just turn it up,
And then I get down to it.

I am whoever I say I am,
And I can, do anything,
And I love, the way I live my life,
And I’m thankful, for everything.

For the air I breath, to the food I eat,
For the water I drink, yes for everything,
I’m thankful. So thankful.

So I want to heal the sick,
And feed the poor,
Make the world a better place for you and yours,
Yes, I want to practice what I preach,
And help everyone in reach!

So I’m patient and persistent,
And yes, I’m ready and willing to go the distance,
I’ll make a difference, and be the change I want to see,
Dip my pen in ink, and design my destiny.

I am whoever I say I am,
And I can, do anything,
And I love, the way I live my life,
It’s my art, and my masterpiece.

Yes, I am who I am,
And this is how I get down,
And if you’re wanting something else,
Then I guess you’re getting let down.
For I’m going to be what I want to be,
See what I want to see,
Stick to my beliefs, but not push them upon thee,
For we are free- and that’s the way its supposed to be,
We are free, and that’s the way it’s meant to be,
Yes, we are free, and we deserve to peace.

It was getting dark, so I put my guitar away and filmed a quick video entry.

Then, I called up my dad. He lived in the area, and I knew that if he was home, he would more than likely want to hang out. A couple minutes later, I was on my way to his place.

I started pedaling into the night, and slowly, my bike started to feel heavier. At first, I thought it was exhaustion; after all, I had traveled quite a ways! But as I continued, that conclusion felt more and more absurd.

Clearly, I had a flat tire- and no headlights. So I growled to myself, and searched through my tools. Then, marking myself off as an amateur, who clearly doesn’t know what he’s doing, pushed my bike a couple miles to Walmart, to buy the patch kit I forgot to bring.

I shook off the shame, fixed everything up, then cruised through a couple lavish neighborhoods to reach my dad’s house.

As he cooked up some salmon, we started talking.

“Did you know the pipeline was originally supposed to go through Bismarck? But the city rejected it, saying it posed too great of a risk to their water supply. So, they decided to put it in just above the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, because well…screw Indians right?”

My dad listened to my case, and heard me out. I tried to not completely overwhelm him with everything I knew about the situation…but I did tend to talk a lot. Eventually he had to tap out and head to bed.

Just now tuning in? The Standing Rock Bike Tour is getting released exclusively on Steemit, day by day, for the next two months.

Previous Chapters Include-
Introduction- Igniting the Fire at Unify
Day 1- Indigenous People's Day

The Next Chapter is
Day 3 - Bottling My Prayers

Learn more, and access all available chapters at-


All I want to do, is help this world. But in order to do that, I'll need some capital to work with. If you feel compelled to send some energy my way, so I can put it to use, feel free to feed my bitcoin wallet.



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