5 More Signs You Might Be a Travel Freak

in #travel8 years ago

Whether you spend hundreds of hours in airports and "up in the air" every year or only fly occasionally, here are some tips and tactics to help make your next ride on a plane that much better:

Tip #1: If you have both TSA Pre-Check & Flight Priority Status, then you may already know:
Go to the priority line (always the shortest one).


The TSA agent will highlight your pre-check status and you can go to the pre-check queue once behind the agent. Keep your boarding card in your hands, leave your shoes on, and cruise on through.

Tip #2: If your flight is less than 2 hours, you want to watch a movie, and you want to watch it without being cut off before the end?
Here's a great move: Select the Marvel superhero movie Civil War.
Fast forward by sliding your finger along the screen to the right until you get to the one hour and 16 minute mark.


Fantastic flick, 1:16 is a great starting point if pressed for time. If you love the second half you'll enjoy the whole thing when you have the time!

Tip #3: Airplane food. Delta has some pretty good eats, can't say I have any complaints from anything I've ever eaten on a Delta flight 🙂

Terribly disappointed by Virgin Australia though.


Maybe it was just the one flight coming back home, but WOW - I heavily recommend bringing at least a snack if you have a 14 hour flight ahead of you.

Tip #4: Delta Skyclubs: In LAX they have a great food selection, the macaroni and cheese was tremendous!


Another fantastic feature of the Delta Skyclub in LAX is how generous the staff are!
$2 tip to kick things off and the standard request for a scotch, neat.

The result?


Half a glass of Cutty Sark!

Bless those generous souls at the Delta Skyclub 😀

That generous serving MIGHT have had something to do with this next photo en route to Brisbane...


I was absolutely compelled to try out the jump seat 💺

I was getting a beer for my new buddy, seated in my row at the window, while on my way to get some red wine 🍷.

There's another tip: On any long haul flight always get an aisle seat.

You have the freedom to get up and move around without disturbing anyone in your row.

No mental wrestling with yourself on whether to wake up the people beside you if you want to stretch your legs.

Apparently, the jump seats are for crew only:


As I was "kindly" informed by one of the flight attendants.


No real loss though, leaving the jump seat.
Those seats have awesome shoulder harnesses but do not recline AT ALL.

Tip #5: Always be super friendly with your aisle mates on ANY flight, particularly any flight where you're crossing an ocean 🌊.

If they want to chill on their own, you'll know immediately. If they're sociable, BANG! you're flying with new friends 🤝😀

Here's Will and his dad:


Awesome Australians, headed home from the States.

Solid trip, good times, met and vibed with some really fun people all the way through.


Follow @scan0017 for future shenanigans 😀

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