Amazing Views From An Airplane

in #travel7 years ago

Traveling on an airplane always makes me feel like a bird. That's because you get a 'bird's eye view' of the entire city you were just in a couple minutes ago and feels so great to have that amount of change of perspective. If you ever kept looking out the window and felt a philosophical feeling in your heart about "life", you know what I'm talking about.

Anyways, yesterday, I came back to India after visiting my parents in Nepal and I captured some really amazing views from the plane. I was flying out of Kathmandu and as you may know, Kathmandu city is a valley and it surrounded by beautiful, lush green hills that are just breathtaking to look at from that height.

Take a look at this photo for example, and you'll know what I mean. Isn't this truly a sight to behold? One of nature's finest works in my opinion.


This was the view of the city as the plane had just taken off.


It's really difficult to believe that it is the same city that was hit by an almost 8 Richter magnitude a couple years back.




This photo below is one of my favorite shots. To me, it really has that mystic feel to it. The play of the depth and height make it so much more appealing. People actually live on top of these hills.


I am not a photographer. Not by a long shot. Not even an amateur one. So, if my attempt at being 'artistic' with this glass of coke fails to impress you, I apologize!


This was a really delicious meal. Really! I know airplane food is considered not tasty in general, but this was good!


This is my wondering face, if any of you ever wondered!


I also managed to capture a couple photos of the sunset. Sunsets are always beautiful, no matter what. There is something about the colors and how they wash the entire sky with a sort of calm and serenity.




Wow, that 6th image is a real gem!
I also love it, especially when travelling from Oslo (the Capital in Norway) to Stavanger (the city I am from), as you get the mountain ranges and the fjords perfectly in view as you fly over :)

Cool to get to see you as well!

Thank you :)

Yeah, flying really lets you enjoy mother nature in all her glory. It's amazing. I didn't know what an fjord was so had to google it. Wow, they are so beautiful!! :D

it's really interesting being on a plane ..
"Traveling on an airplane always makes me feel like a bird"u sounded like me there 😀
Am sure u had a lovely flight
Ur photography skill is on point.
Thanks for sharing

Thank you for the kind words :)

Beautiful pics!

Wow, beautiful images


Beautiful photos! Sounds like areally amazing trip. Thanks for sharing!

Your favourite picture is mine too! You seem to have a good sense of humour, your post made me smile. Thank you

Thank you for the kind words :)

Good photos my friend. Yes perspectives can vary depending on the angle. So too in life. The more angles one can see the object or issue, the greater the grasp on the bigger picture. So too in an airplane. Many dimensions exist and man cannot necessarily grasp. Knowing they are out there helps in the acceptance of others and humility of oneself. Thanks for allowing me some intellectual intercourse for the day.

You always have great philosophical views. Thank you so much :)

Flying is a strange thing, humans are formed to live on the ground but still we managed to get over that handicap to rule the world from above. Shows, what we humans are capable of. If only I didn't get sick everytime I'm inside an airplane, that always kills the beautiful sight for me 😅 but nice shots anyway

Yeah, we always manage to surpass our limitations. Air, water, land, we are everywhere!! haha

When I take pictures in an Airplany the pictures are mostly blurry :D

I think you should change your airline company ;) hehe

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