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RE: It's All Just a Show

in #travel7 years ago

Everything we do is to defend the I, everything we do is to satisfy it, that doesn't just stop at getting offended because I was treated badly, it goes the other way as well, being kind to satisfy myself, to see a look of happiness and appreciation on someone else's face.

Just as there'd be no light without shadow, good without evil, we - in whatever way you look at it, from any perspective.. teamwork, cooperation, well-treatment, kindness and so on that involves a good kind of friction with others - cannot exist without I, case in point, altruism would not exist without selfishness.

Thanks for the neat read, cheers!


it goes the other way as well, being kind to satisfy myself, to see a look of happiness and appreciation on someone else's face.

Point taken, something I missed here. It's like asking you how was your weekend so I can tell mine.

Very much so, it's interesting how we find motives to do things, but just like you said, just doing the things that makes you happy, not thinking much of ulterior motives and acting on instinct could be the right way to one's happiness ( nothing is ever confirmed, life is too situational anyways! )

Yeah, life is too situational, we can apply whatever works for us.

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