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RE: Traveling to Southeast Asia: Bagan, plain of the thousand temples

in #travel7 years ago

Definitely following you now ;) Bagan has been on my to-go list for a while. What an amazing place! Great photos by the way. Love the sunset pictures!
Check @ryanne to see my latest travel post :)


I was a little overhyped for Bagan so it was awesome but not as awesome as I imagined.. Still I would recommend going there sometime soon before it gets touristy! The country opened up to tourists just 5 years ago so there is still much change happening.

Just checked you out and followed back, I like your Thailand post aswell :)

Yeah, I'm familiar with the new tourist rules. So yeah, you're right, I should go sooner than later... But still, it's a very unique place ;)
Thanks a lot! Happy to hear :)
See you around!

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