
Ah that's cool. It's the 3rd time I've been to Dorset and it's aways amazing.

My favourite was Ringstead because my mated used to live in a cottage there and I spent the first day of life with my man there, after a big night out in Glastonbury. It was solstice and we walked up White Nothe and back for mulled wine and a hot bath. I have a stone from that beach on a ribbon hanging off my wing mirror, and an ammonite stone paperweight I found there too. I swam at that beach the day after my wedding with my Dad, we both had hangovers so it washed them away. Nice memories. I used to work at Purbeck School. A couple of kids drowned at Lulworth and it was devastatingly tragic. Those arent as good memories! But i do remember the whole area fondly. So many stories.

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