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RE: Travel Story: Stuck in the middle of Patagonia with Sushi

in #travel6 years ago

Ahahaha you made me laugh out aloud. This is one awesome story my friend. As you were speading the green paste, I started laughing.. I knew what was going to happen. Sushi is everywhere in Australia. When we were younger we would stop and buy some on the way to Melbourne or to a festival with our mates. The game was always to trust the person putting sushi in your mouth, which was hilarious because you KNEW they would put heaps of wasabi on it and you would be squealing and crying and thumping the dashboard and trying to swallow and drive and shout 'you motherf$^^**@#cker' all at the same time.


I'm so glad you liked it Kylie, it was indeed painfully funny.

Interesting your game, like some sort of russian roulette with Sushi hahahahahaa. Imagine driving with your eyes dripping with tears! That green demon is strong, I'll tell you.

Sort of like russian roulette. But instead of filling only one bullet chamber with wasabi, we filled every chamber.

HAHAHAHHAHAH dear lord! I've laughed so loud my brother came here to check. I ate ONE, one single little bastard with the green thing, and it was enough to feel hot. Imagine a round.

I happend to remember one day at a restaurant with my family, there was a great selection of pepper sauce. Well.. I've chosen the strongest one, called 'fire something' to try, I've put a little bit on the tip of the knife and licked it. After a minute my whole face was tingling

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