My First Sinulog Festival Experience | 2018

in #travel6 years ago


This year, I got to go to Cebu to see the grandest, most colorful festival in the Philippines, the Sinulog Festival. This trip wasn't planned. My friends and I were just talking and then all of the sudden, they asked me to go with them so I can experience Sinulog for the first time. I was hesitant at first to be honest because I don't have extra money to go for a trip early in the year. But I really wanted to see how the city is celebrating this feast.

My friend arranged my ticket and a week before the trip, there came a blessing. I was able to go on the trip after all because I was given the funds for this trip as a birthday gift! So super duper thank you, sponsor!!!

January 18th in the afternoon, I went to the City pier to wait for my companions to arrive so we can go together. Our ship's departure time was 7 PM and I was all packed and really to go.

We arrived in Cebu City at 8 AM and my friend, Daphne, fetched me at the pier. I stayed at their home for the duration of my stay in Cebu.

That day, we just chilled. We went out for lunch and then went to Sirao to see the flower farm that had become famous in the last years.


I was kind off disappointed because the flowers were just the ordinary. I was anticipating to see this:


But these flowers were still being planted and the full-grown flowers that we were able to see were just the very normal ones. Ones that you can see even in the sidewalk. -_- But nonetheless, at least I saw something, hehe.


After our trip to Sirao, we went to fetch another one of our friend who was flying at 6. We arrived at the airport by 8 because of the traffic and went out to dinner at a Korean restaurant to much of my delight! I wasn't able to take any photos because we were famished when we arrived, so when the food was served, we dug in immediately, LOL.

We didn't do anything afterward. We just went home because we were really tired from the trips we had earlier in the day.

On Saturday, January 20, I went with Daphne's mom and aunt to see the fluvial parade. We were far from the shore but I caught glimpses of the ships and boats as they paraded Sto. Nino.


We went home after the parade and went to lunch at 12PM at Buffet 101. We ate to our heart's delight and more, haha! I think my trip to Cebu wasn't for Sinulog, I think it was for the food, HAHAHA!


Can you see our cutie patootie Cassandra sitting in her high chair? Cassey is Daphne's niece, daughter of her older brother. She's a bundle of joy to the family and I was glad to be at least a part of this happy sunshine even for just a little while. I was adopted for 4 days and you know, close friends really come along in handy. (I should write a story-telling blog about how I met my best friends, no? Maybe soon :D)

After lunch, we went to SM to do a little shopping and at night, we went out with another one of our friend, Nikka. We were supposed to go party with our other friends but they didn't come so we were a bit disappointed to waste a good night away. We just resolved to get some drinks and bonded over chips and went bar hopping. It wasn't the best night, but it was still okay. We went home by 4 in the morning (LOL) and surprised Daphne's Aunt with cakes because it was her 71st birthday. We sang her the Happy Birthday song and made her wish and blow out the candles. After that, we slept HAHAHAHA.

We slept until noon and I was just so tired after a really late night. We weren't able to go to church because the mass was at 5 AM and we just slept at that time. We got ready to go out by 1 PM and went to Ayala to meet with our friend. Then it turned out that they were going to Temple of Leah and we were back to being left on our own.


Daphne and I didn't caught up to see the float parade at the end of the day. I was saddened and very disappointed because this was supposed to be a great experience of the Sinulog Festival, but I just saw glimpses of it and not fully experience its beauty.

Oh well, there is always next year. And I vowed to myself that I will really experience it next year, the whole lot of it.


After walking the streets full of people after the parade, we didn't waste away the night. We went to party and met a few acquaintances. At least I had a good night that day. We partied the night away but fortunately, we didn't get wasted, hehe. We went home by 6 in the morning and slept.

I am now home in Iligan City as I am typing this and recalling the past few days to share my experience with you. Even though I didn't get to see all of the festivities, I still had a grand time with my friends. I hope I can go again to next year's Sinulog Festival. I will definitely see more of what I have missed this year!

Thank you for reaching the end of this post. :) I hope you enjoyed reading my messy thoughts, hehe. Until next time!

🌷Renee Alexis🌷



Nice, I think I know someone sa imong picture si Aunty Vicky.

oo :) kaunsa nimo si mamavics?

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