
Yes, all but the youngest one jumped in. He was going to and I was so surprised and then he backed out. We did find him floating down the river though (that's when I had to jump in and save him). He was playing in the shallow and just stepped into the current. Was glad he had on a life jacket.

"We did find him floating down the river though"

You're kidding! That's somewhat frightening to say the least and yes, thank goodness he had on a life jacket!

Lol - yes, it was kind of a crazy moment, but he was all good, thankfully. He is the one I don't let out of my sight, but we were trying to figure out what was going on with the sirens.

We have one like that... not surprisingly the one covered in blue paint lol... 😉 He has no fear either, now that he's older, sometimes I can't watch what he does or else it gives me a heart attack!

Lol - too funny!! I can understand!

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