in #travel6 years ago

Hello, Travellers, in this post am going to be sharing with you my best tips on how to beat the crowd, save cash and just basically have the best summer ever. If you find this post useful give it an upvote and share with your travel buddies and get ready to buy some ticket or even free at( and zoom off, Meanwhile this are the best destinations for summer travels. What makes a perfect summer destination is in the great out door sun and sand fascinating festivals or excellent local meals, luckily I've broken this list down into categories and giving you few options to choose from starting with a state in New Zealand, its cold enough to freeze bowls of a brass monkey ,it can be colder than a witch, here are estimated best summer destinations, starting with my first category of nature and adventure.
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Europe's low-key affordable anduncrowded alternative to the Alps, the pyrenees mountains from the natural boundary between France and Iberia peninsula they go from the past country on the atlantic four hundred and thirty kilometers to Catalonia on theMediterranean ,wether you approach them from spain, France or the Micro Kingdom of Andora expect to find Peaks soaring to up to 3000 meters castles forest and so much, one a good place to start is the odesa amante perdido parque nacional in Aragon in Spain if you want to see a lot in a short period of time walking the Camino de Santiago along the Camino Fran .Lets say you start from santa fe Depot in the French Basque Counry , you walk up the historic Rosa's right pass and stay in a hermitage overnight a few days later you arrive at Pamplona or if you'd like to cover some serious ground consider doing a bicycle trip,you can basically ride your bicycle from San Sebastine in Spain up into France all the way from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean and back stealth camping and basically soaking in all of the naural beauty of the Pyrenees one paddle at a time in june ,the farther north you travel the longer it stays light making it possible to see a lot on even the shortest trip.

WESTERN NORWAY ,This is my second summer travel destination.
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On a cruise through the deep glacially carved valleys that Norwegians call fjords the way to do it is on thenglutton ferry, i think i pronounced thatb right, it started as a mail delivery service ,delivering mails to the isolated fishing ports of the region, now it allows tourist tag along for the ride from Bergen in the south all the way up to the Norwegian Arctic stopping it 34 ports along the whole trip takes 12 days and you can hop on or off at some pretty amazing locations whether you are trying to get that instagram photo from tha Laughton islands or just feel like hanging out with the indigenous Sami reindeer herders in Lapland you can do all of that and much much more, the cruise does run for 365 days a year but i would highly recommend you do it in the summertime because in the middle of winter its little bit cold . for a total contrast you cou;d go antipodal and hit New Zealand.The southern Alps .you will have a weird winter there, in North Amereica , so if you did'nt get enough now , head down to New Zealand for another round of endless winter,New Zealands best Mountains are available , on the Mountains there are colletive pass which operates in 16 resorts around about, the coronet peak and the remarkable Czar both within striking distance of Queenstown the most lively city on the south island and if you are not into snowboarding or skiing there is plenty of other activities to get your blood pumping from the shotover jey to the birthplace of bungee jumping not to mention skydiving because you can do that there too for something more mellow drive 3 hours to down soth to Mount Cook New Zealand's Largest Mountain and the worlds Largest dark sky reserve to see why the Maori called Mount Cook our rocky the sky piecer, if you don't feel like going too far North or too foar south split the difference on the equator or in Spanish Ecuador.
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ECUADOR is one of the most geographically diverse countries in the planet from the headwaters of the Amazon River to the Avenue of the Andes Mountain and of course the world famous Galapagos Islands go in August when the rainforest an't that rainy and it's the perfect time to bike cotopaxi hike a cloud forest or go deep into the Amazon, best of all Ecuador uses us Dollar and it's quite affordable making it this years less expensive budget option for adventure travel destination.In this summer if you have some exrta cash to splurge consider going on a Safari in the Serengeti, summer is the best time to catch the wildebeest Migrations which is one of the Largest wildlife Migrations on earth and it literally some thing out of the ordinary , between July and september of every year 1.5 Million wildebeest complete their annual Migration from Tanzania's Serengeti National Park to Kenya by August crossing the Masai Mara River in Dramatic Fashion,Timing is critical and guides are necessary which makes this experience more expensive .
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there's only a small window with tons of demand and limited space but if you can afford this experince camping on the plains of Africa and meeting the Masai tribe make this summer a holiday to truly remember,Summer is synonymous with sunshine and sand , you know that i like the beaches with thier double side cultures, so here are four beach destinations that will satisfy your curiosity as well as your leisure needs
few places mix culture and coastline quite like the Mediterranean and while
the beaches of Spain, Italy and Greece are extremely crowded in summer time, am recommending the Turquoise coast of turkey for a start
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Turkeys turquoise coast they say is five times fast and a stunning stretch of
beach inlets and resorts along The Aegean Sea, Okay Technically it's in Asia's
Minor but it's a stone's throw away from the Greek island and it's much less expensive,
There are plenty of budget options ,There are all inclusive resorts but the money trick
is to rent a traditional Turkish sailing boat that you can get for a day, week or two weeks
beyond that,Turkish food is incredible and the region has plenty of culture including
the ruins of Santos and just a little bit further north the legendary ruins of Troy,
now you might be wondering is Turkey safe after a string of terrorist attacks
Turkey safe after a string of terrorist and tuku in 2016 a lot of travelers have
stayed away from turkey and I have not included in the list of places to go
but thankfully things seem to have calmed down and most of the attacks
have been concentrated in the south ,the east and not the capital Ankara or in
Istanbul but a lot of travel experts say that the turquoise coast is safe
regardless it's always a good idea to check with your local foreign office
for more information but for those of you willing to make the trip to Turkey
chances are you'll have the beaches to yourself in june and july much of south
and Southeast Asia is affected by the yearly monsoon which drenches most of
the region in rain so if you're looking for a beach destination in Asia your best bet
will be Sri Lanka I've been wanting to go to Srilanka for a very long time

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because it's affordable beautiful full of great food and really good surf
Srilanka is big and the weather varies from coast to coast, the southwest
could begetting soaked but the North could be perfect to visit
and far off the beaten path tha's because untill recentlythe northeast
Sri Lanka was the homeland of the Tamil Tigers a separatist group that
fought for independence from the central government for 26 years untill
their military defeat in 2009, twenty years later the situation has stabilized
but the crowds have not yet returned. Surfer are paving the way in search of
an alternative to the crowded beaches whether you surf or not there is no
shortage of reasons to visit Sri Lanka, from the iconic sigiriya Citadel rock to
the thousands of wild elephants roaming the island but if you are really looking
for a perfect Beach on island full of animals look no further than Borneo a
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The southeast Asian island divided between Malasia and Indonesia and Brunel and home
home to the man of the forest aka the rain the dry season runs from April to September
that's the best time to visit not only for viewing orangutangs but catching the Turtles
returning to secluded jungle beaches and hatching their young if you somehow get bored
by endless beautiful beaches, you could you volunteer at an orangutan rehabilitation center
to visit indigenous communities in the interior or swing by the Rainforest Music Festival.
moving to my next category
Let's Talk About The Summer's Best Arts And Cultural Destinations.
MONGOLIA That my starting point on this one,trust me they are not where you would expect actually.
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Today a modern nation wedged between China and Russia historically home to the Mongols
a tribe of fierce warrior nomads who in the 13th century under Genghis Kan to conquer
everything between Beijing of the Bosphorus forming the largest contiguous land empire
in history while the days of pillaging are over 30% of morden Mongolians still live as nomads
so the best time to visit is in July during the naadam festival where Mongolians compete in the
manly arts of horsemanship archery and wrestling few festivals offer such an open invitation
to living historically, so soak it up to stay in a hurt go on a horse track but maybe leave the wrestling
to the professionals but in Argentina August is the perfect time to grab a local and learn how to dance at tango.
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Buenos Aires the world's premier festival of tango music and dance,
you can listen to classical tango music at elbow leech a doe Roberto and you can even learn a few steps at local malagas which are dance halls like la Campagne de la which gives beginners classes every night at 6, its supper welcoming and a great place to learn plus August is the perfect time to visit
a few steps at local because the weather is still cool and there aren't a lot of crowd also there are art fairs flea markets and small galleries galore throughout the entire city for example check out the Galleries locale in palermo which is a hip boutique coffe shop tatto parlor and art gallery all undre one roof.
Finally my last recomemdation for arts and culture destination is far away from a museum the hills of Papua New
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Guinea, from Mount Hagen culture show where every August dozens of formerly warlike tribes gather for the country's Largest sing-sing, highly decorated dance-off sound cool definitely but be forewarned Papua New Guinea is a place of very well preserved traditions and not very well developed tourist infrastructure ,chances are those tribes that you want to hang out with have had little contact with foreigners so if you go join a tour be prepare to rough it and always ask permission before shoving your camera in a tribesman space .
Now Before the Good Byes, Lets Talk About The Food And Drink Category.
For all of you who follow your stomach 's around the Globe , lets start with Galicia in Northwest Spain while Catalonia and the Basque counrty get most attention for incredible food of Spain Galicia is culinary underdog worthy of some serious recognition, Galicia has historically been one of Spain's poorest region and the cuisine is simple yet delicious, fresh seafood scallops goose barncles octopuses harvested in the local coastal fjords known as a TS during the Spanish conquest of the Americas Galicians imigrated in huge numbers to the new world and trade recipes across the Alantics they were the first ones to plant the potato in Europe that gave Argentinians empanadas and today you can get an asado with chimichurri that rivals anything you can find in Buenos Aires top it off with a minerally white grown along the and you can see why i am so hungry for Galicia Then for something more urban and edgy go to Berlin during the cold war the Berlin wall was a symbol of divisioin but in the quater century sinec erunification Berlin has become a leading example of how to balance strong local heritage with global influences take currywurst a German sausage mixed with ketchup an indian curry powder brough to west Berlin by British soldiers stationed there during the cold war or the doner a type of kebab invented in Berlin by immigrants from Turkey the list goes on, recently Berlin's become even more globalized as American craft beer culture has shaken up 500 year old beer purity laws vegan chefs have replaced pork knockle with plant cuisines and immigrants from around the world have turned Berlin's food scene in to a buffet of international Flavors throw in tons of cool bars a thriving underground club scene and some of the cheapest prices of any capital city in Europ and Berlin is looking mighty tasty far away from the world's capitals there is something funky happening in California that is BAJA California mega in thye san diego area, when you cross the border to surf and eat tacos and party , now Baja has Blown up over the last decade , Baja California has quietly become one of the most interesting food scenes on the planet by developing a cuisine that transcends borders blending the craft beer culture of san diego with indigenous Mexican recipes and world class innovatoin, Baja has some top-notch resturants incredible craft beer and rustic vineyards at a factoin of the cost of other wine regions late August is the perfcet time to swing through the offbeat vineyards of the fighting Lupe right before harvest swing through tijuana to eat at Verde ademma
and don't forget to try threat at Verde ademma award winning beers at agua mall a brewey at Ensenada.

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