Finally, @ramengirl Try A Tearful Ramen 눈물 젖은 라멘을 맛보다steemCreated with Sketch.

in #travel7 years ago (edited)



Hey, friends! This is @ramengirl.

I recently went to Fukuoka because I had the chance to go to travel for three days. I’ve never visited Fukuoka before, so I was so excited.

I’ve heard that Fukuoka has a lot of famous restaurants as good as big cities like Tokyo or Osaka, also the prices are relatively cheaper.

I should try ramen first in Fukuoka, AmIrite?

Hakata ramen is one of the representative ramens in Japan. One characteristic of Hakata ramen is that the soup boiling the whole time with pork bone.

In Fukuoka, there is a lot of famous ramen places, but I chose the restaurant on this trip is called 'Isso' in Hataka.


Isso is also a very famous ramen restaurant near Hataka Station, where I was staying, and I was able to run right after check in at the hotel as soon as I got off the plane.


Isso was located 7-8 minutes away from Hataka Station. Before I got to the restaurant maybe from 2 blocks away I could smell the Donkotsu soup(Pork bone soup) already. So I thought I'm going in the right direction.


I went there 3:00 pm, which was a not busy time for the restaurant, but all the seats were full, so I had to wait for about five minutes and then was able to take the seat.



We ordered two types of ramen, Ajitama Ramen, and Chashu ramen. It was 650yen to 700yen(about $6 - $7)


It’s common to ask about the boiling of noodles when you order ramen at a ramen place usually, but at Isso, they didn’t ask. Instead, it seemed like they serve the noodle that they think it's perfect.


It’s time for taste ramen!!


When I looked the soup closely, it was covered with bubbles, and this bubble was telling me how creamy soup was.


Well… It tastes completely different from that I imagined.


My first impression was very SALTY. Although the Japanese food is generally salty this one was really high in salinity.

Chashu which is pork cut thinly was also not the flavor that I usually know. It looks more like a boiled pork.

The noodle was very similar with somen. It seemed like more floury than the somen but I was confused about it's floury because of its own flavor or because it was under-cooked.

Okay, at the end let’s try azidama (boiled egg). It is saltier than the soup!! Hahaha This is the saltiest eggs in my life.

Even though I was very hungry, I couldn’t finish a bowl. I was so frustrated because I had never been disappointed with ramen before.

Maybe I was disappointed because I was so excited too much! @ramengirl’s crying after ate ramen :’(


@ramengirl 눈물젖은 라멘을 맛보다

안녕하세요, @ramengirl 입니다.

저에게 2박 3일의 자유시간이 생겨 후쿠오카를 다녀왔어요!! 후쿠오카는 처음 가보는 도시인지라 기대가 굉장히 컸습니다 :)

소문에 의하면 후쿠오카는 대도시인 도쿄나 오사카에 비해 음식맛도 뒤떨어지지 않을뿐더러 음식값도 상대적으로 굉장히 저렴하다고 들었어요. 일본 하면 바로 라멘이겠죠~? 그렇죠? ;)

그중에서도 일본을 대표하는 라멘 중 하나인 하카타 라멘은 돼지뼈를 오랜 시간 고아서 만든 수프와 얇고 쫄깃한 면이 특징인 필수 먹거리라고 합니다.

후쿠오카 지역만 해도 유명한 라멘집이 수도 없이 많았지만 이번 여행에서 제가 고른 식당은 하타카의 ‘잇소우’라는 곳 입니다.

잇소우는 제가 묵었던 지역인 하타카역 근처에서 소문난 인기 라멘집이기도 하고 비행기에서 내리자마자 호텔 체크인을 한 뒤 바로 달려갈 수 있었기 때문에 초이스 하게 되었어요~!

잇소우는 하타카역에서7-8분 정도 떨어진 곳에 위치하고 있었습니다. 잇소우를 발견하기 2블럭 전부터 진동하는 돈코츠 국물의 향이 너무도 찐해 내가 옳은 방향으로 가고 있구나 알 수 있을 정도 였습니다. 제가 방문한 시간은 오후 3시로 비교적 한산 한 시간대 였음에도 모든 좌석이 만석이였기 때문에 5분정도 대기 한 후 자리를 잡을 수 있었습니다.

저희는 아지타마라멘(味玉ラーメン)과 챠슈라멘(チャーシューラーメン) 두가지 종류를 주문했습니다. 보통 라멘집에서 주문을 할때 면의 삶기에 대해 물어보는것이 일반적이나 잇소우는 물어보지 않는다고 합니다. 그 대신 매장에서 가장 자신하는 면의 상태로 삶아 나오는거 같았어요.

드디어 라멘을 맛볼 시간입니다. 국물 위를 자세히 보면 거품으로 뒤덮혀 있는데 이 거품이 크리미한 국물 상태를 대신 말해주고 있었습니다.

음…. 제가 상상하던 맛과는 전혀다른 맛이 납니다.

인상이 저절로 찌푸려질 정도로 굉장히 짜다ㅜㅜ 일본 음식이 대체로 짠 편이지만 잇소우의 라면은 염도가 상당히 높습니다.

얇게 잘려 올라가 있는 챠슈도 평소에 제가 알던 맛이 아닙니다. 챠슈라기 보다는 삶은 돼지고기에 가까운 맛 같습니다. 면은 소면과 상당히 비슷합니다. 소면 보다는 확실히 밀가루 맛이 더 나는듯 한데 면이 덜 삶아져서 그런건지 아님 본연의 맛인지 헷갈리더라구요.

마지막으로 아지타마(삶은계란)을 맛봅니다. 국물보다 더 짜다!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이렇게 짠 달걀은 제 생에 처음입니다. 살포시 젓가락을 내려 놓습니다.

굉장히 배가고파있는 상태였는데도, 한그릇을 다 끝낼 수가 없었습니다. 라멘을 먹고 실망해본적이 별로 없었던지라 굉장히 당황스럽더군요. 기대가 너무 커서 실망감이 컸을까요?ㅠㅠ 라멘을 먹은 @ramengirl은 웁니다…ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

저의 포스팅이 좋으셨다면 투표와 팔로우는 라멘걸도 춤추게 합니다^^
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But how was the SALT?

@v4vapid Oh man, even salt can't be saltier than that eggs :( lol

I found this meme online and I find it appropriate for your story haha.

Salt can make or break your food. It should be a criminal offense to over-salt ramen...

Omg this is perfect meme!!! :)

Why didn't i heard from you back then? Why only now? ಥ_ಥ


I see ramen and no more questions asked, i'll be like:

*(instant upvote and followed you too.. ^u^)

Haha what an amazing gif!!

Well done post You deserve for getting Upvote from me. I appreciate on it and like it so much . Waiting for your latest post. Keep your good work and steeming on. Let's walk to my blog. I have a latest post. Your upvote is high motivation for me. Almost all Steemians do their best on this site. Keep steeming and earning.

Really? I'm so happy to hear that!! :) Thank you~!

U are welcome, Please visit my blog and Support

This comment has received a 0.30 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui, @hamzaoui.

This comment has received a 0.20 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.

This is a very interesting meal. Looks very weird, but delicious.
How is it taste actually? :)

It was literally SALTY!! Hahaha

Hey @ramengirl !!
awesome post..... looks fantastic , keep it up. see you soon.

Great job, Looks delightful. Thank you for sharing!

Thanks for reading! ;)

very interesting meal @ramengirl I follow

Thank you! :)
Hope you have nice day!

저도 일본갔을때 느낀거지만 일본은 한국보다 간이 더 짠거같아요~~

@romi님~ 맞아요!! 후쿠오카는 한국보다 2배는 짠거 같아요>_<

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