Boarding The Plane To Vegas, On 0 Hours Of Sleep. The Adventure Has Begun! Last Chance To Win A Free Entry To Steem Conference In Vegas This Weekend!

in #travel6 years ago

Well I got zero hours of sleep last night, finishing up all the hand painted one of a kind sustainably sourced SteemGear, getting the many businesses I run settled to run smoothly while I am away, time with the family (no where near enough) packing epic outfits (thanks to @truelovelives for all the help getting so many outfits ready in time). 

I vary rarely get sleep before traveling because I have so much to handle before hand. I also very rarely get much sleep on my adventures because there is so much opportunity to engage. I suspect this trip to Vegas will be a much the same with the Steem Creators Conference the whole weekend and then business meetings for a few days after. 

Traveling with @everlove and @saramiller which is reminiscent of our epic adventures to Portugal in November for SteemFest2 in Lisbon! Traveling is great, traveling with Steemians is Greater and traveling with Steemians to meet up with MORE Steemins is AWESOME! ![IMG_0009.jpg]()

Be sure to check out my recent posts on this awesome conference which is sure to be a Steem Vortex of awesomeness!

Also check out my post on all the SteemGear being made for this event full of Steemians!

Last but not least be sure to check out my last post which I am including here below. I am giving away entry to this Steem Vortex her in Vegas for 3 days! Its not to late to fly, drive or teleport to Vegas, also I am quite sure there are at least a handful of Steemians IN vegas so enter your self or let someone in Vegas know. All criteria is in this post. Today is last day for entry. 

So I know its short notice, but I wanted to promote the event and motivate as many as possible to make the choice to get their on their own. Plus as its a FREE ticket can't complain right!?!?!?

So I have one free ticket to give away for the Steem Creators Conference this weekend. Check out my post about it here. 

The contest rules are:

1. Upvote this post

 2. ReSteem This Post

 3. Make a comment as to why you want to go and how it will benefit Steem and the Steem Creators Conference!

4. I will choose one lucky winner tomorrow!

 5. You will only get the ticket when you arrive as I don't want to be giving a ticket to someone who doesn't show up. 

If you live in Vegas or can make it here by friday morning enter if not re steem it or let someone else know!

This is going to be an awesome time as all us Steeminas will be creating a Super Steem Vortex in Vegas!

Just one year ago $teem was worth 10-15 cents and today is well over $3. Every day you have and use Steem you are compounding a SteemPowered life!If you’re not yet on Steem its not too late. It has only just begun. If you’re already on Steem the moon isn’t even the limit, so there is always higher levels to reach!

If you are life is not yet being fueled by Steem and your not going to make it to this event you can check out my beginners/minnow SteemPowered Success Series on my web site here which is all the information you need to get on Steem and start leveraging its revolutionary potential for your own success just by being you! 

You can find my entire Steem post about it here for more details~*~

Hope to see you in the SteemPowered Vortex!

If you want to style it up in SteemGear Fashion while promoting Steem everywhere you go, you can find my SteemGear shop here. Each one of these items are sustainably sourced, hand painted, one of a kind pieces of which no one else will have anywhere you go! I will also be sure to bring some to the conference so anyone there can see first hand and make the best choice for them of over 50 different styles!

I am now doing 50/50 payout posts simply because the payout is more valuable that way atm, but I will be converting it all to $teem to continue my perfect record of cashing out ZERO $teem nor ever powering down, thus powering up!

I appreciate your support and welcome your feedback. If you feel am valuable to this community please give an upvote large or small it makes a difference. 



What an incredible journey--- your support and creation of such magnificent life-changing opportunities. Always blessed to be experiencing it with you @quinneaker.

@quinneaker. This is your chance to hang out with Steem Stars & Pioneers. If you are in L.A., Phoenix, Salt Lake City, San Diego, or Las Vegas. Get here. Learn from some of the best......Safe Travels. See you in 7 hours. -resteemed-

Yea baby!

The Steem Vortex!

@quinneaker This right her was one of the reasons i joined on steemit...
But then i got enligthened that service to the community should come first..... And money would come for you have earned it...
as Einstein had said "Chase Excellence and success will come after you"

Just one year ago $teem was worth 10-15 cents and today is well over $3. Every day you have and use Steem you are compounding a SteemPowered life!If you’re not yet on Steem its not too late. It has only just begun..........

The best time to join Steemit was then when it was at $10-15 but the next best time is now....
The futrure is now...

Going through your Steempower series site now and its very great you have us minnows in mind.....

Hahah... Sounds swell. Have fun out there.

I love your lifestyle I wish you much success and blessings in your trip.

Thank you~

Bless you~*~

Enjoy your stay in Las Vegas and have fun, hoping to see more of your valuable post @quinneaker

Well done @quinneaker
Enjoy your trip to Vegas

Jeeez. I feel so envious seeing people travelling to the conference....
Sometimes distance can suck balls.
Looking forward to the live converage from the various great minds attending the conference. Particularly my #DynamicSteemians team led by @dynamicgreentk
Have yourselves a wonderful networking & learning experience.

Love & Light to you.

Yes there will always be people doing things we want to do or having things we want to have. This is part of life.

Ideally you use it to find clarity on whats really important to you and as fuel to motivate you to achieve your dreams/ideal life!

Blessings on the way∞§∞

The long awaited days are just at the door now, it's a pity I still don't have means of joining you guys life, but telling others about it won't be a bad idea,who knows if their is anyone close by that might be interested in joining the program... Can't wait to get tips from the meeting... My regards to @everlove

A very interesting discussion what you write about the journey can be drawn a lot of fun things. .

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