A short story about a light that has been traveling for 10 billion years

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Imagine that you could see the universe from the outside, starting way back at the Big Bang. A while after the Big Bang, a massive start explodes, resulting in a supernova. The violent explosion emits extremely strong light rays in all directions. The rays of light radiate in space, at 300,000 kilometers per hour.

After 10 billion years, things begin to evolve on somewhere else in space. Circling around one of the stars, stones and other matter begin to cling together and move in orbit around one of the stars. This star is later name the Sun, and those lumps eventually become planets, in which one of them is planet Earth.

Meanwhile, the beam of light from the supernova continues its way through space, and is heading towards Earth.

On Earth, the dinosaurs come into existence, they cease to existence, and after some time the humans come into existence. Humans develop, live their lives, and become curious about the starry sky. They eventually develop a telescope, which they point to the sky.

Just as they point the telescope towards the vast space, they see a fierce light in the far distance. They have just caught sight of the light rays from the supernova, light rays that have traveled through space for 10 billion years.

Image sources: here, here, here

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