My Bucket List of Places to Visit in the United States

in #travel7 years ago

I was recently thinking about where I want to go in my life and I decided to make this list.
#1 Hawaii
I have always been amazed by the beauty and magnificence of Hawaii and would love to visit it.
#2 Alaska
Alaska is unlike any other place I have visited and any other place in the United States which is why I would love to travel there.
#3 New York City
New yor.jpg
Even though I have already visited the "Big Apple" and I had a great time there, I didn't get to visit all that I wanted to which is why I would like to go back and visit.
#4 Washington D.C.
Sometime I would like to visit Washington D.C. to learn about the past and how the country was founded and another place I would love to visit where the United States prints their money.


Cool, i'll travel for my first time soon to Spain. I'm wondering how it is :)

its amazing !! one of my favorite countries!!! where exactly are you going?

Nice list and i wish for you to turn it into reality!!!

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