Life of a Traveller ! (An Art of Living away from home)

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

Life of a traveller!


What is it made up of? Everyone must have thought of it atleast once in theri life. And the first thing that comes to our mind is, "Wow, what an amazing life these people have". But no, its not like so. Travellers also face tough times. People often confuse a traveller to a wanderer. But both are different. A wanderer is the one who is out for fun and goes wherever the path takes it, he has no specific goal. But a traveller is the one who knows where he wants to go and has a particular purpose of it. Most of the regular travellers, usually travels because of their work, it could be anything like research, photography, for creative ideas for their writings, paintings or anything. People who travel because of their work, sometimes travel in groups or sometimes alone. Solitude is a very tough situation for a traveller. However it may sound interesting to travel alone but its not always fun. We think we will befriend with locals but it's bot that easy. Even in great crow, you will often feel alone. Because when we travel with someone, everything gets shared whether financially or emotionally. While travelling alone you only, have to tackle all your problems. But despite all this, travelling in solitude also give you a lot of learnings, like you learn how to tackle problems, how yo be friend with new people, learn new languages.DSC03237.JPG
Sometimes locals also let you join them in their home for food, festivals or celebrations and it's a great experience. DSC02770.JPGTravelling let you know the popular things about the place, yummiest food items, cultural festivals, rituals and a lot more. But all this could be learnt only by talking to locals because google is not always correct. Travelling also helps you relax yourself from daily hectic routines. When a person from a crowded city travels to some small towns, observe the nature's beauty, it gives him a lot of relief. DSC02694.JPG
When you on the edge of a mountain that is top of hill and see beauty all around you, the sound of river falling in the rocks from the mountains, forming a valley, the sounds of the wind, the birds and the animals far away, you see greenery all around, the fragrances of the beautiful flowers, it makes you get lost inside it.
DSC02990.JPGWhile travelling in groups also, people face problems like while travelling to remote areas in adverse conditions, you don't have access to any luxuries and sometimes there is even shortage of food, sometimes people stay hungry and sometimes had to eat whatever they get. A traveller's mind always keep working and he always keep thinking about his goals. As thinking is referred to talking to self, a traveller always think out loud and big. A traveller's mund is very creative and is always ready yo try something new even if it involves a little risk. Infact things that does not involve any risk, doesn't interests him. He is always ready to learn new things and while travelling he also improves his knowledge and keep upgrading it by learning everything about the place. So, it can be said that a writer's mind is a fusion of a wanderer and an artist.

All pictures are takrn by me !

Thank you for giving your precious time !


Woo lovely pictures and I also love to travel @pkvlogs

Welcome :)

Really nice description about travelers life. During travel a traver living a different life from his everyday life.

Lovely picture
I loved that

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