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RE: Travel Norway #9 - Austerdalsisen - first view on Svartisen's glacial landscapes

in #travel6 years ago

We can be worried or just accept it as a natural state of our planet - cycle of ice ages are working, global warming is the beginning of another one and we cannot help it or stop it. Earth is a living planet and we are just one of the species living on it...


I do suppose... we do our best not to leave a huge footprint behind... if everyone came together and did things right, we could certainly slow it down.

True! We use way too much fossil fuels and cut way to much forests... CO2 accumulated inside the air thousands years ago now is going back to atmosphere, so by minimize usage of them we can definitely slow the process down.

Very true... look at us... we go from your stunning glacial landscapes to our environment. I guess it's good not to stick our head in the sand.

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