My First Video Edit: Road Trip to South-coast City Jervis Bay in New South Wales, Australia

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

I long to join the fellowship of Steemians, to usurp a lost land in a far far away Empire called @Steemit, through my unique God-given gift of creativity.

Recently, with the help of @myday, I managed to put together a small clip for a road trip to South-coast City Jervis Bay in New South Wales, Australia.

There's so much joy in documenting your memories and I had so a lot of fun with my first video edit. The donut van berry was so popular. Although the secret that I only pretended to eat it for the shot. The little boutique store right next to it was so cool, full of original minimalist Scandinavian designs. On our way to Wollongong( The Australians way to call it the "gong"), there was great place called "Southern Gateway Center​" with a wonderful​ panoramic​ view of the Southcoast. It's a perfect place to stop for a coffee and gelato. We've bought some fresh local sweet creamy​ nut butter for snacks too.( It comes with the variety of almond, cashew, pistachio, ​and macademia).

Road tripping away on the ​journey . There was a bit of rain at the start and the road was quite slippery.
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Romping at the Beautiful Sunset! This was me posing for a yoga shot. Looks like I really need more practice...
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We were so fortunate to have found a nice quiet enclosed parkland at the riverside. Stopping by to have some wine and snack. There are​ some Penfolds​ red and camembert​ cheese with fresh fig and smoked salmon.


  • Happy Snappy -

我先和cn的朋友新來報道一下。 我的名字叫 Grace Chen - 我的中文水平大概只有小學程度。請大家多多包容,多多指教。

前一陣子我們趕在秋天來臨之前南下海岸去了一趟露營。野營嘛,就是野著來。不是每一個妹紙都 喜歡大膽不施脂粉上鏡。 算了,我們實力派,只好是享受大自然賦予的一切。哈哈。

這次最特別的是我第一次參加錄影後期製作,包括剪接,音樂等等。 我覺得可以和大家分享旅行,把溫馨小片段錄製下來是很甜蜜的一件事。

野營的地點是位於澳洲新南威爾洲南下的一個海灣叫 Jervis Bay, Booderree National Park. 旅途一開始是一陣小雨,幸虧沒有影響餘下的旅程。途中經過 Wollongong​ 和 Kiama​. 最驚喜的是遠途經過一個落腳點叫 "Southern Gateway Center​" - 裡面不僅僅有意大利雪糕,本地果仁醬(夏威夷,開心果,腰果,杏仁,等等口味),還有一個180度仰視南岸的大露臺!實在美翻了!

途中的甜甜圈是偷偷舔了一下,然後趕緊馬上毀滅手指上月桂粉的證據。甜甜圈餐車傍邊還有一個很北歐原創,精美的boutique store 讓我們溜達了一下。


我們懷著好奇心穿梭在森林裡, 找到了video 裡的別有洞天。。。


Beautiful photos @photooftheday! Thank you for sharing this journey and I look forward to our next road trip!

Cool video and pictures!

Followed :)

Beautiful video :O It's really great for a first video edit, definitely makes me want to go visit Australia (although I'm always weary of the spiders :'D)

Thanks @mivstar -if you love the landscape and the outdoor, Australia would be a place for you to visit. Yes, ​there are a lot more spiders there than I'm aware of, but hey phobia isn't a something you can't overcome...:-)

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