#AroundTheWorld - Venezia - An histocial city of Italia [EN - ES - FR]

in #travel7 years ago




[EN] - Venice is a really old, full of history and architecturaly beautifull city. Port of the Adratic sea, this town is consisted of 118 smalls islands, separated by canals and linked by bridges. All the city is pedestrian, and no vehicules except the boats can circulate inside.

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[ES] - Venezia es una ciudad muy antigua, llena de historia y cuento por una architectura muy rica y hermosa. Puerto en el mar Adriatica, este ciudad cuenta 118 pequeñas islas, separadas por canales y conectadas por puentes. Todo la ciudad es peatonal, asi solo las barquas pueden circular a dento.

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[FR] - Venise est une ville datant du VIe siècle après J.C, chargée d'histoire, elle offre une richesse architecturale magnifique. Elle est composée de 118 petites îles, séparées par des canaux et reliées par des ponts. L'intégralité de ses rues sont piétonnes, ainsi, seules les barques et bateaux peuvent y circuler et sont les uniques moyens de locomotion.

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[EN] - Venice is also a very (and even too much) touristical city... Famous all over the world for it's romanticism symbol, carnaval and pictures spots. Fortunatly, the city also have less known places, to eat really good food in a quiet ambiance, and have a walk inside picturesque alleys.

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[ES] - Venezia is tambien a muy (y mismo demaciado) turistica ciudad... Conocido atraverso el mundo por su romantismo, su carnavale y su nombres lugares de famosas fotografias. Una suerte, ella cuenta tambien por lugares menos conocidos, donde se puede comer muy buena comida en un ambiente tranquilo, y caminar por sus callejones pintorescas.

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[FR] - Venise est également une ville très (et même trop) touristique, connue à travers le monde pour son symbole de romantisme, son carnaval annuel et les nombreux monuments à photographier. Heureusement, elle offre également des lieux mieux connus, où il est encore possible de déguster son excellente cuisine dans une ambiance tranquile, et d'harpenter paisiblement ses ruelles pittoresques.

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Espero que han disfrutado. Pueden votar y seguir me para discubrir mas lugares del mundo !
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All my posts : @permatek


It's still on my wish list. I flew a few times from there, but never visited the city.

Hope you'll have the opportunity. Like is said to Shenchensucc, try to go out of summer : it is always touristic, but a fiew less than in this period, better to enjoy walking in. Thanks for coming, upvoting and your comment ! I appreciate a lot. Following you, maybe see you soon on one of our posts. Good evening !

J'ai rencontrer l'amour de ma vie à l'âge de 15 ans à Venise sur un pont.
Merci pour les souvenirs :)

Sérieux ? Alors c'est pas un mythe pour le romantisme :) Avec plaisir, bonne soirée !

Thank you for the wonderful tour. It is a beautiful city.

You're welcome, thanks to you for passing here. Yes it is such a beautifull one, and really originale with the canals. I was on your profile again, many nice pictures, I'll follow the future's ones. See you !

Looks so nice.

Yes it is ! If you have the opportunity to travel over there, prefere out of summer, less people and better to appreciate walking in it's alleys. Thanks for your comment, I'll follow you and Good night !

Awww... love all your pics here! Hope to one day visit Venice... looks lovely!

Hi ! Thank you very mucj @ackhoo !! Yes it's such a nice place, if you have the opportunity take it, at less for a fiew days and go to others place of Italia, like north lakes, Brescia... less turistic. I'll put some pictures of there, the time to organise all this ;) Thanks for your comment, see you !

Would love to, one day... Thank you very much, @permatek! :)

Have a goood sunday, see you soon !

Happy Sunday to you too!! 😊 🌼

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