Our Life Story | Chapter 16 - Time to relax!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #travel8 years ago

A week filled with relaxing a the pool, sightseeing, enjoying the company of family and last but not least lots of beer. Sounds like a nice week right? 

Yes it was!  

Last week we went to the Ardennes in Belgium. My parents rented a vacation house  located in Pont, Belgium filled with all the luxuries you would ever need on your holiday. 


Besides the beautiful house, we most enjoyed spending some quality time with family members. Spending time with my brother and girlfriend , sister and her kids, parents and Sacha of course was a nice thing. I’ve noticed that although we are living with my parents again for the last 9 months, most of the time it’s hard to take the time to have some proper discussions and talks about life, work and everything in between.   

It’s still two months away but time flies when you are having fun, so we took full advantage of this quality family time before we step into the plane that will take us to the `other side` of the world.   

I´ve personally have never been a real Family man, is guess I took a lot of these things for granted. It are these kind of weeks that make me look different at the importance of family, and how I will miss them while we are going to write another chapter in Our Life Story.   

For anyone who has not visited the Ardennes in Belgium before, be sure to do so whenever you have the chance. It´s filled with beautiful nature and a feeling of serenity. We regularly visited the Ardennes in the last couple of years. Living in the south of the Netherlands makes it easy to jump in our car and within an hour drive we have arrived in a completely different country, nature, language and culture.   

Funny how things can change in just a couple of kilometers.

Besides drinking beer and swimming or chilling in the Jacuzzi we went on two trips.  First we had a small walk to the Castle of Reinhardstein in Ovifat, which was followed by a guided tour inside the walls of this Castle. Really touristy. I know,…  but it’s always interesting to hear something about the history of these monumental buildings. 

Castle Reinhardstein, Ovifat, Belgium


Stories about the landlords, robbers and saints who visited this Castle in  the last couple of hundred years always seem to amaze me.   

For our second touristy trip we visited the cave of Remouchamps which is quite beautiful and has a fun boat trip to get you get back to the entrance. We we´re told this is the longest underground boat trip in the world! (700 mtrs). Not the most thrilling ride but we laughed a lot because of our “crazy in a good way” tour guide. 

The cave of Remouchamps


Day by day our new adventure comes closer, Will you be following our life story?   

Let us know and be sure to Resteem and Follow us if you like to read more!   

T h i s i s o u r l i f e s t o r y     


It really looks fantastic) Thank you for sharing your story, it was interesting to read it)

Beautiful photos, and looks like a great time. Thanks for sharing it on here. Look forward to more adventures.

Sit tight, there will be a lot more :) thank you for your support!

You're welcome. Travel on...we'll be waiting.

Wow, the Castle Reinhardstein looks amazing.
And the Remouchamps reminds me of Carlsbad Caverns. I envy the beauty you are surrounded by.

Thanks a lot! @xtrodinarypilot
Sure is a beautiful place :)

Beautiful, I will follow your life story from now on :) Thank you for sharing :)

Thanks a lot for your support and follow!

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