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RE: Life After Graduation...Tour of Yazd

in #travel7 years ago

I passed through Iran twice many many years ago on my way to points further east. I wish that I had spent more time there back then, and I would love to go back there now for a longer stay.


I had not heard much about Iran or knew anyone who had been there before i went but it blew me away. Exceeded my expectations in so many ways.

I had never heard anything about it either. That's why I was in such a big rush to pass through and get to India. Big mistake! I really wish I had spent some time exploring and seeing some of the historical treasures.

Still that must have been some trip. Overland to India. Wow I would love to have done that trip too.

I only had a little over a week in Iran and I only got to see a tiny bit. A great bit I must admit but there is so much to see, and so much history if your into that. You could easily spend a month or two there traveling around. I'd say the experience is quite different in the summer time too. I hope to go back some day and see more.

I went overland to India twice. When I was young and foolish lol!
(starting by flying to Scotland, and there to India by land)

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