A Stitch In Time Save 9 : My Story

in #travel6 years ago

Life they say is not a bed of rosesas you lay your bed so you will lie on it, this saying goes to show how well life treats us when we either play by the rules or refuse to shackled by life's trick.

A stitch in Time they say saves nine
This goes to show that if you are able to sort out a problem immediately it may save extra work later.

So I decided to cheat nature all because I did not read as much as I would have to to, and a lot of topics still needs to be coveree, ask me if it is as hard as quantum physics I'll tell you yes .

Because I had to cover the syllabus for this perculliar stage and my assessment was to be held just 25 hours to the exam I decided to do the unimaginable,
I took 8 packs of black coffee and mixed it in hot water then I continued to boil it for 30mins on the gas cooker while I was at it I told myself *** "lets se how the sleep will deprive me from covering this syllabus***, all set I decided to drink the coffee in one swell gulp, googoom , googoom googoom the sound can be heard as it passed through my throat.
I sat down on the table after depriving myself of sleep for days let's see how this show will go down .

Few hours later my eyes was wide as that of an 🦉 and adrainallin was pumping through my nerve cells, my Brian was wired with energetic and my level of reception and absorption became high.


12 hours latter as I walk down the street of Sharjah I realise how weak I was and the houses and building were line trees,I was dazed and weak and booom I entered the wrong bus .


The exam they was meant to be held by 9:00am I got to the exam hall around 10:30am guess what I've missed the assessment.
I will never drink coffee again, I swear.

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