Continuation of the history about Uzhgorod castle. Hunting with a phone on a Carpathian squirrel 😁😂😂

in #travel7 years ago


Hi everyone:)

As i promissed in my last post i would like to continue to tell you about this mystical place- Uzhgorod castle.

This place has a thousand-year history and many interesting secrets. One of these, which I recently heard, I will gladly tell you now.


On the territory of the castle is an old well with a depth of 32 m (some people say 36), which was built over 1000 years ago.


Its walls are covered with ferns and on the bottom you can see the river called Uzh. People say that one could once jump into the well and stay alive.

Few years ago some guys made a small experiment (a cruel one in my opinion): a duck was thrown into the well, which, through an underground channel connecting with the river, spilled on the surface outside the castle.

Just look how deep and creepy it is. When I went to see the well's deep, I was attacked by a panic and i barely managed to make this photo.



However, the main legend is not about this well. It's about the ghost of the girl, who still appears from time to time in the castle (the guardians of the castle say so) and frighten tourists.

According to the legend, captain Druget, the revered knight, was the owner of the Uzhhorod castle. He had a beautiful daughter. Polish troops then attacked their city. One gentry governor wanted to take Uzhhorod, dressed and arrived there for reconnaissance. The daughter of Druget loved him and later she told how much military force in the castle is, how better to take it and so on. Her father learned about treason and he lamented his girl in the fortress wall.

At night you can hear the girl's cry who begs to forgive her...


The courtyard of the castle draws attention to the sculpture of the bird - Turul. It's a personified falcon, which for the Hungarians personified bravery and courage.


Next there are two sculptures of the XIX century:

"Hercules that kill the Lerna Hydra"


and "Resting Hermes".


Within a few meters of the statues, there is a tasting room where all interested can try Carpathian wines.

The courtyard of the castle has a beautiful well-groomed look. It is a big pleasure to walk here and also you can look at the magnificent view of the city.



When we passed near the destroyed church, I noticed a small spiny black squirrel. Here, where I live, there are only regular red squirrels and therefore I have never seen black ones 😁😂😂.

I was curious to see her closer so I started to sneak her to make a video. The animal saw that I didn't have anything tasty for her (or him 😁) and escaped from me on the tree.

While I was running around the squirrel, I accidentally saw another great look. This was the old church of the ethnographic museum, located near the castle.

It was our next stop after Uzhgorod castle and i will tell you my dear friends about it tomorrow 😉😉😉

Best wishes,



Ми теж вчора повернулись з Ужгорода. Замок чудовий і музей з хатинками теж. А чому не поїхала на Мітап, Олю?

Я була в Ужгороді по справах:) а другий раз їхати так далеко я на разі не маю часу:( в нас скоро весіллє 😀😀😀😁

Я рада за вас !

Великолепная история, я искренне зачитался. погоня за белкой, как вишенка на торте. Удачи Вам и Добра.

Good job

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