What could be more exciting than having a beach vacation? The sea, which you see for the first time, leaves a feeling like the first love.

in #travel6 years ago (edited)


We fall in love with the new wonderful place we visit for the first time, and our feelings are so sharp as the first love in life.

Later memories warm our heart for a long time!

I have always traveled to the Black Sea of Ukraine, and here I first went to the Red Sea of Egipt! They are so different, but both are beautiful!


Once I will write about - why they are different.

Today, #BeachWednesday , I will show my photos, which captured wonderful moments in the Red Sea near Hurghada in my memory.


White as a warm carpet, sand in which I want to plunge and enjoy!

Camels walking on the beach ...

Pierce, where you can see all the beauty of the underwater world of the Red Sea!

Green palm trees that do not grow in my country ...




Very salty sea that makes my figure very slender :)


Thank you for your visit.


Чудові фото! Такий настрій у них позитивний... Я ні разу не була в Єгипті :) Вкотре думаю: може цього разу... ))
Там дуже спекотно зараз? Тобто влітку

Там було 34 градуси, але це дуже комфортно, бо цілий час дме приємний вітер!

34 - це небагато. Я чомусь думала, що всі в Єгипет їдуть восени і навесні, бо влітку там дуже жарко. Дякую за хорошу новину )

Ми були з 30 травня по 9 червня

Тоді ясно )

Looking sexy in bikini.wow..

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