Insane Candy Store at Knott's Berry Farm

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

Have you been feeling lately that you could use a bit of type II diabetes? Maybe your pancreas is working a little too efficiently and you'd like to shake things up a little.

Well I have just the place for you! We came across this epic candy store while waiting for one of our friends to arrive at the Knott's Berry Farm theme park in Buena Park, California.


The shop itself doesn't seem to have a name other than simply, Classic Candy. Well that is fine because that is exactly what this place has an incredible amount of.


I love that they separate the candies into different decades. I'm not sure if they are saying that the indicated decade was when the candy was invented, or when it was most popular. I am guessing the latter, since most of these products are still widely sold.



I'm a bit dubious about the 90s candy though. I am pretty sure that Haribo Gummy Bears and Skittles are way older than the 90s. The more I think about it, the more I feel like the who decades categories are just for fun and have no real meaning.


Who wouldn't love a pound of Sugar Daddy? Good lord, look at the size of that! It was so big that it was generating it's own gravity field, which caused the camera lens to oscillate. That is why the picture is blurry; sorry, it couldn't be helped.


Check these giant gummy bears out. I had to take a picture of them with my hand near to give a reference for scale.


They were placed high on a shelf so I had to reach up and snap the photo. I was talking with Amanda about it and we decided that they were made out of plastic. But then I noticed that the foot on one of them looked slightly melted and pointed it out.

One of the store employees overheard us discussing it and interjected, "Oh yeah. They are real gummy bears! They've been sitting there for years now."

I am so glad that I didn't touch them. My hand might have gotten stuck! That would have been awkward to explain.



They definitely have some of my old favorites in there such as Tootsie Roll and Charleston Chew. I have a lot of memories of performing magic tricks when I was a kid for my not so clever cousin. You see, if you stick a warm, flexible Charleston Chew in the freezer, it goes completely solid in less than 15 seconds.

My cousin would always look at me stunned as if I had just performed some kind of wizardry. I love him, but God bless that boy, he is very easily amused.


And of course they have the giant sucker rack. I really don't know how you are supposed to eat these things without making a giant, slobbery, rainbow colored mess all over the floor. I feel bad for parents who walk into this place and have to buy one for their 3 year old.


What would a candy store be without some kind of pick n mix rack. Oh man, I had forgotten about those yellow puffy peanut shaped things. I used to gorge myself with them until I almost puked when I was a kid. Which is weird because I never really liked them. Maybe my cousin isn't the one with the problems?


Ah, Taffy. That's what I'm talking about. I am getting a sugar headache just looking at this pile of food-coloring filled nonsense.


Once you filled up on as much candy as you can eat, fill up a baggie with this powdered treat. I mean, it's such a drag having to do all that chewing. I want my sugar refined and in my blood stream as quickly as possible!


I'm pretty certain that if I worked in this place I'd never eat candy again. It's just too much. It reminds me of when I go into Cold Stone Creamery and get that whiff of all the ice cream flavors and waffle cones. After about 30 minutes in there, it has gone from smelling nice to quite sickly.

Then all that I can think about is those poor employees and how they will never enjoy ice cream again. Such first world problems!



Holy shit that be a HUGE John Holmes style Sugar Daddy. One of my favs along with Mike and Ikes and Milk Duds 😎

lol! Except you threw those bad boys in the trash the other day.... or did you. ;p

Very tasty photos;)

fantastic lead in. humorous as always. Looks like a fun place!

hehe thanks buddy. Sorry for the crappy up-votes lately, my VP got wiped from rewarding too many netcoins posts!

dont sweat it pal. I happy to get it when i can :)

Want to go back my school days once again to enjoy those Candy's.. tension free days.. 🙂

Posted using Partiko Android

I have a sister who would go crazy in that store!!
I, personally, have never really understood candy without chocolate. Except Dip Stix! ;)

I have had my share of dip stix. That is some addictive stuff

Hahah! I feel like a spot of type 2 diabetes and that my pancreas is having life a little too easy 😜

Dude what a crazy place! Those monster gummy’s ! I also love the fact that they have candy’s based upon years - nostalgia!

Great post man, hope you still have your teeth! Dude I’m also sure if I worked there I would either be dead or never eat candy again!

Haha! Luckily I still have my teeth, for now at least. We'll see how things are after that 1LB sugar daddy.

Amazing Sir @nuthman, it reminded me of the Tootsie roll I was eating in my Elementary school day and that Giant gummybear really is awesome, that store is a child's dream store.

I know! I would have lost my mind if I had seen this place as a child. I don't remember ever seeing large candy stores back then. Just gas stations.

When I was a kid I worked in the soda fountain and all day long made ice cream sundaes and ice cream cones. I work there through most of high school and afterwards I think I went for at least 15 years before I could stand the sight of ice cream again. I think you are right if you worked in a candy store you would avoid sugar for a long time! Great photos. And reminders of some candies that I totally had forgot about.

Yeah, me too. I had totally forgotten about Slo Poke. I used to love those!

This shop is like the time macchine of candy😃🍬 Oh it's like Honeydukes in Harry Potter!😀🍭🍫 Like Willy Wonka Candy Company!😆 I used to see Tootsie Roll in advertising but has never tasted it😭 That innocent plastic gummy bear could be dangerous to eat once!😱🐻 maybe it's good to gift one to a non so cleaver cousin to check😉 I didn't understand if those are real old sweets from 1980 or so or owners are just showing items like a museum😁 bye I'm afraid oh having a sugar headache!👋🤣

It was an actual store. The giant gummies were real! They had just been sitting around for many years.

A Lot of candies, I have water in my mouth, can you send me some candies Mr @nuthman ? Hehe im just kidding

Posted using Partiko Android

hehe, of course! My eyes are always bigger than my stomach when I see so many treats.

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