
Yes it looks like Turkey is getting a lot of rain. Hopefully it will be warm rain. enjoy your trip.

Luckily, we only got caught by the rain one evening, but it wasn't even that bad. :)

Thank you! :)

Rainey and cold here in Seattle! Fortunately heading to sunny California for 10 days, then back to my beloved Big Island Hawaii. Im so tired of being cold!!

Oh, California and Hawaii sound incredible!

Have a great time! :)

Have a great time

Steemit is going crazy RUUUUUN!! lol
I hope it'll be better when you come back.
Istanbul huh? Say hello to that old friend for me ^_^

I am baaaack!

Istanbul says hi and that it misses you! :D

Have a great trip and enjoy.
Looking forward to hearing all about it.


Thank you so much, my friend! I am back! :)

Stay safe Nina!
Miss you!
Make lots of photos:)

Thank you, dear @sunnylife! <3

Safe travels. Hope you get to share so photographs when you return. Oh and I do post from my cel phone! :)

Thanks! I came back and I'm ready to share some photos. :))

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