The most popular boulevard in Berlin

in #travel7 years ago

Unter den Linden - the most famous and crowded of the boulevards of Berlin.
There are a lot of historical buildings and unusual monuments.
We start from the handsome of the Berlin Cathedral.

Articles on the Palace Bridge.

Unter den Linden - "under the lindens", the boulevard got its name thanks to its adorning lindens.
Now you can say Unter den Kranen. Why - guess yourself))

Outposted the oldest building of the boulevard - the Berlin Zeichhaus, before there was an arsenal.
And now - the German Historical Museum.

Almost an ancient entrance portal. What is this?

Neuilly-Wach is the main monument of the memory of the victims of war and violence.

In the spacious hall from the 19th century there were symbols of sorrow for those who died as a result of wars.
It was also a silver wreath based on gold and platinum on a granite pedestal. And the eternal fire in the glass prism.
And from the 90's, an enlarged copy of the sculpture "Mother with the deceased son" was installed

The sculpture is also called "Pieta", the inscription reads "Victims of War and Tyranny".
The room is cold, heavy and mournful ...

Student life is very close to it - before us is the oldest of four universities in Berlin - Humboldt University.

There are eleven faculties and several interdisciplinary centers and institutes in the university. There are more than 3 thousand students from more than 100 countries studying here.
Crossed the road and go to the building of the former royal library.

Now - the State Library, Germany's largest universal library (holds more than 10 million volumes).
The Berliners for some reason call this building a "chest of drawers"))

The building stands on Bebel Square (not to be confused with Babel).

The square is known for being the place of the famous burning of books in 1933. About 40,000 students, professors, members of the SA and the SS destroyed at the stake books called "anti-German" authors: Freud, Kestner, Mann, Marx and others.
These events are reminiscent of the memorial to the Burnt Books in the center of the square: under the glass slab empty white bookshelves fall deep below.
You can walk on the stove. But it is not necessary.

went to the library.

Recreations like those of our universities .. Nothing interesting.

A ladder. On a pair of elevators, the ad "Students are forbidden to use ..."

And here is the green "washer" - the roof, seen repeatedly from all high places in the city - the Cathedral of St. Jadwiga.

Inside this catholic cathedral it is quite unusual ..
It is interesting as a dome,

and the interior. Somehow everything is very modern.

By the way, the cathedral is the seat of the archbishop of Berlin.

We get down into the crypt.
There are separate rooms with a copy of the Vatican Pieta,

a chapel for "quiet prayer" (is there a loud one? ..)

burial of bishops,

their modest attire

and service items

Modestly ...

Personally, I "hooked" organ.

Ultra-modern directly .. Unfortunately, it was not possible to listen ...

Outside the cathedral. Here's how these curves bricks all fit? .. Pleasant flexibility))

The building during the war years was completely destroyed and restored only in the mid-sixties ...

On the French street, go to the Gendarmenmarkt - one of the most beautiful squares of the capital of Germany with two twin-cathedrals.

Between them is the Concert Hall. In those days, the square was completely given over to the torment of the Christmas market.

On the right is the French cathedral - the French Reformed Church.

Who did not know - the French community is large enough here historically.
Once the French Huguenots made up to a quarter of the population of Berlin.

And through the fair can be seen the dome of the German Cathedral (not the main Berlin, of course)
It was already a German church.
Now there is an exhibition of the German Bundestag, dedicated to the history of parliamentary democracy in the country.

Mulled wine, gingerbread, cinnamon ... mmm

Good gnomes

In the center of the square is the Concert Hall, formerly it was the Berlin Drama Theater,

and before it a fountain with a monument to Schiller, to the 100th anniversary of which he was laid.

Schiller, by the way, is a German poet, philosopher, art theoretician and playwright, a history professor and military doctor, a representative of the Storm and the onslaught and romanticism in literature, the author of "The Ode to Joy", a modified version of which became the text of the European Union anthem.

Here is a walk out this day.
Further more! Do not switch)

All photos in my blog were taken only by me.
Thank you for reading and upvoted my post!
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With best regards @Nikitinskiy


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