Too fat to fly??steemCreated with Sketch.

in #travel6 years ago

So I bought a ticket to Denver today and am excited to get out of this red hole known as Alabama. Legal weed, mountain air, and old friends are waiting for me and I'm super stoked except....


Besides the total assault on privacy that is the tsa screening, the knowledge that I will likely be selected for "additional screening" I always seem to end up between two, ummm, heavier people.

I'm a fit 150, 6', eat right and take care of myself and I've never been overweight in my life. Therefore I cannot know what life is like for heavy folks. That being said, it sucks a bag of dicks getting squeezed between a couple of typical Alabamians (we just surpassed Mississippi as the fattest state in the union).

Flying sucks for everyone and I'm certain it can't be any more comfortable for bigger folks since I barely fit into airline seats myself.


Recently I flew back from South America and my ticket price would have been much more with extra luggage. In fact with one carry-on and one checked bag, it would more than double my ticket price. The reason sited? Weight.

But it begs the question: if the weight of my luggage increases my price so much, should obese people not be required to pay more?


I don't judge anyone, and my mind lends itself to fairness so I'm merely asking the question. Obviously this is a sensitive subject for many, so I'm doing my best to tread lightly here (no pun intended).


It turns out several airlines have proposed this idea but are reluctant to roll it out citing sensitivity concerns. I get that. We don't want to offend anyone.... But where do we draw the line? Flying sucks for everyone, and implementation of an obesity charge would likely get very ugly in concourses around the world.

What do yall think? Is it fair to charge for extra baggage weight but not for body weight?

Should obese people be required to buy an extra seat when their size makes a flight unbearable for those unlucky enough to be seated next to them? Or is the airline to blame for not making proper accommodation for people of all sizes?


I think they should charge extra for assholes and people with loud voices, etc... etc... People who wear too much perfume, people who breathe loudly and snack too much. Basically. anything that inconvences me.

Eye roll. I'm not even fat and I find your post annoying. :)

I bet I'll like the next one.

No doubt. Thus definitely wasn't meant as an affront to anyone. Flying sucks for everyone to be sure. But when money is involved it is slightly different.

I have heard of a few people kicked off planes because of their weight, people forced to buy extra seats for babies (and service animals), and everyone pays more for luggage. Just asking the question?

In the end, knowing what I do about airlines, they'd likely find a way to increase everyone's ticket price

Check in weight checks 😂

I’d love it

Lol go ahead and add another 3 hours to check-in time (in the south at least).... Or maybe not. They weigh bags at the check-in counter don't they? You just have to get on up there with your bags now. It could work

Was imagining people selecting their weight at purchase & having to make weight at the airport 😂

Oh Lord. Clusterfuck all around I imagine. Dehydrated people everywhere hitting some last minute push-ups, mailing keys and wallets to themselves to shave a few ounces, mesh shirts, holy shit.

Saunas popping up near airports....

Ha! That would be nice actually

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