Longboarding across the USA #6 / Yosemite National ParksteemCreated with Sketch.

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Welcome all the Steemian friends to my story of longboarding across the USA alone with broken arm and almost without money.

This is chapter #6 :

First of all I want APOLOGIZE that I wrote about my journey long time ago.
But I hope you don't mind it.

Last time I've wrote about my survivor in Stockton, CA(https://www.facebook.com/Narovskimusic/photos/a.379046115506022.89947.378263935584240/1045128382231122/?type=3&theater)

But today I want to tell you about happier moments when I entered one of the most beautiful national park - Yosemite!
You can watch video about me entering Yosemite here :

I understood what I needed to relax and my destiny gave me few days in this 3 027 km² amazing national park without any single address or human living there. This means there's no lights during the night, so you can see all the stars in the sky. I remember I couldn't sleep in my tent, because stars shined so beautiful what I couldn't resist to watch it overnight.

This is how road to Yosemite campground looks like.
Rangers wouldn't let me to longboard till the camp, so they told me to hitchhike and they watched me doing this.
So, I hitchhiked around 40km.


I met one guy from Swiss and he helped me to find a place for my tent. I dind't knew where I was placing my tent, because it was already dark. But when I woke up I saw this view and my jaw just dropped :


That guy told me that he will move on and said goodbye. I didn't knew that you need to pay for every night you stay here and I didn't had a lot money but I needed to rest because I felt like shit of longboarding everyday for more than a week now.
So I found a campground and a price for one tent were 26$ per night. I was like wtf?
But everything's changed when I met really nice family from Los Angeles. They told me I can stay with them.

This is what that family young kid named Sierra gave a present. I still have it.
She was 6 years old.


Eventually that family were so nice to me that they even backed me 250$ for my trip to my Gofundme project.
It was like best day ever during that trip. I'll never forget them. They even wrote a letter for me from Los Angeles to Lithuania.

Last photo here. Every little animal were no nice in Yosemite. But these guys just stoled everyones food!

This is it. I could tell more but I doubt you will read that long. :)

Thank you people!

Narovski here!


And here's an upvote for you, enjoy!

Thanks. Have you read my post? :)

I have now read several of your posts. In fact, I'm following you now :)

I think your blog is great, you should be getting more views than you do at the moment. If you promise to keep up the blogging like you have done in the last weeks, I promise to show your blog to some very influential Steemians, which might suddenly give a huge boost to your rewards and views.


Wow, amazing. Sure I promise blogging the same level. I love doing it. Thank you so much for your support. I will keep growing up in my posts. I think Steemit need more original content. :)

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