KRUENG TUAN _ Pesona aliran sungai, charms River flow

in #travel7 years ago

Inilah tempat objek wisata yang ada di aceh utara, salah satunya tempat yang sering dikunjungi adalah "krueng tuan".


Jika sahabat warga Aceh Utara atau kebetulan sedang berkunjung ke kabupaten aceh utara, tak ada salahnya mengunjungi destinasi baru yang masih kurang akrab di telinga yaitu Krueng Tuan. wisata alam yang menawarkan keindahan alami.

Wisatawan berfoto bareng di Krueng Tuan, aliran sungai indah dan jernih di Aceh Utara

Krueng Tuan berlokasi di Desa Kreung Tuan Kecamatan Nisam Antara Kabupaten Aceh Utara. Namun Meskipun terbilang jauh dari pusat kota, namun untuk menuju kemari sebenarnya mudah saja.







This is where the tourist attraction in north aceh, one of which is often visited place is "krueng lord".

If a friend of North Aceh residents or happened to be visiting the north aceh district, there is no harm in visiting a new destination that is still less familiar in the ear of Krueng Tuan. natural attractions that offer natural beauty.


Tourists photographed together in Krueng Tuan, a beautiful and clear river stream in North Aceh

Krueng Tuan is located in Kreung Tuan Village, Nisam Sub District Between North Aceh District. But Although somewhat far from the city center, but to get here is actually easy.

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