North Wales is a sheep's world and why the Celtic Man is no vegetarian

in #travel7 years ago

If you want to visit North Wales you must like sheep. Wherever you go, wherever you look, the sheep are already there and have been long before you.



You will meet lone wanderers

Notice how he is using the right side of the road ;)

Sometimes whole groups will pass by and check you out while you are having a picnic

You park on their grounds

The Welsh are farmers who have lived with their animals ever since. It is part of their nature.


The old stories of the Celts talk about boys turning into bears and back into boys, about the spirit of dead fathers returning in the shape of dark horses and about mothers singing lullabies about wild animals to their children in the cradle.
They talk about mountains, forests and great hunters.


Eating meat is a natural way of life. Animals do it. But bah! Man is no animal! He is the most intellectually advanced creature on the planet and should know that killing animals for food is unethical and unnecessary! Well, tell that to an Eskimo and while you're at it, ask him under which Igloo he is hiding his potato fields. And as far as I am concerned, Man is not worth more than the worm underneath the grounds which he treads on.
The Celtic tradition teaches love and respect for the animals you live with. They are no subjects to you but equally important. That's really all you need to know.

Not only the sheep are happy, the same applies to the cows as well.


I have nothing against vegetarians, in fact my own sister is one and I love her dearly. Some can live very well without meat and that's great. What I can not stand however, are city people high on soybeans swinging the moral bat at anyone who dares to enjoy a steak.

Tell that to the sheep and see how much it cares about your morales

True love is based on understanding and acceptance. The Welsh know their heritage, they live with nature and not against it. They accept the conditions their surroundings provide and work with them. They care deeply about their land and the animals that come with it. They eat them because that's just the way nature has intended.

I shall end this post with a picture of my favorite sheep doing what he loves most - nothing.
If you can enjoy life as much as he does, you must be very happy!


As for the last sentence: I do!

Hahaha, that guy looks like he's smiling! (I'm sure that's what he's doing too.) Once again, a wonderful post, making the most of some truly picturesque nature shots: laying down the truth about flesh turning to meat and back to flesh.
And you know what? From the sheep's perspective I'd appreciate being eaten while still having my full vitality, especially by the very people who made sure I was well throughout my life. Yeah, now I can see why this dude is smiling.
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Great, thanks for sharing. Glad you liked the post :) I am a big sheep fan now, they're quite funny animals ;)

Sheep just have the same life expectancy as of a rock star.

Haha, an interesting way to look at it ;)

Nice photography. I enjoyed your version of the holiday. Sheep are interesting animals. Taste good too.

I have to agree, they do ;) I am happy that you enjoyed the story.

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