Travel | 47. Dive In! The Preparation for an Underwater Adventure.

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

The three of us were on the course: Naomi (AUS), Achim (GER) and me. Cool gang, I really enjoyed diving with! Also, our instructor, Ross (UK) was a fun guy and very professional. (Thanks for the pic, Naomi!)

Jasper and Elise preparing for some sleep-a-surta action on the night bus towards the south.


I headed straight to Nha Trang (35hours) while Jasper and Elise jumped off at Hoi An. I was in a bit of a hurry because I was to meet my good ‘ol friend Antti in Nha Trang on 9th. Also, I wanted to take the Open Water diving course beforehand so we could go diving together.

Once I arrived at Nha Trang, I was greeted with a shitty weather. It was raining every day and the visibility in the water was poor at best. It didn’t really matter because I was way too preoccupied trying to cope with all the diving techniques and safety measures to really have time to appreciate anything I saw 🙂

The course was pretty intense (3 days) and included A LOT of reading and doing quizzes online. Also, it included two pool dives along with two times two actual boat dives.

I must say, diving is one of the coolest things I have done and I can’t wait to go diving in one of the good places, like in Thailand.

I Love the “dead Mexican” where you fall back into the water from a standing position in the back of the boat.




Oh, there is Antti! He arrived just in time for my graduation ceremony.

Right! Dr Vodka and the missus paid a visit the day before Antti came.

Drank some “whisky” for a change 🙂

After three days of hard work (waking up 6:30 every morning!) it was finally time for some hedonism and decadence with Antti. Bia hoi!

Bia hoi (street draft) has got to be the world's cheapest beer! At 0,15 € for a 0,4l glass will not set your budget back, no matter how much you drink ^^

This has got to be the coolest urinal I have seen! Only available in this particular bia hoi establishment.

This is from another Bia Hoi place. We playfully call it the piss closet.

For the last day, we rented a motorbike, went to eat some delicious and cheap noodle soup and enjoyed the cold weather the best we could.

We also stumbled upon this crazy bridge made entirely of wood! The sound was terrifying as we sped across it, the planks jumping and clanking. Also, it was two-way with nonexistent side rails.

Always an experience.

Also, found this cool graveyard on the way. One for each religion: Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity.

Thanks for reading!

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(First published 12/12/2011 at LiveJournal)

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