The unexpected harvest - wild mango (Original) 上山打水意外的收获 - 野芒果

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

Today to the mountains to fetch water, met my two friends, chatting that the mountain has a lot of wild mango mature,But it is difficult to pick to, I have never seen wild mango grow like, was to fetch water,

Lushan scenery / 庐山风景

We decided to look for wild mangoes,Along the mountain water road, has been climbing, climbing more than 200 meters,Finally found the wild mango trees,This place should be picked by other people,Only a few rotten wild mango,We continue to move along the bamboo,And finally found the vine covered with wild mango rattan, too excited and we have picked a total of 5 pounds of it.
本来是打水,我们把桶全放一边,沿着山涧水路,一路往上爬,爬了200多米,终于见到了传说中的野芒果滕, 但这个地方应该是被其它人摘过,太容易被发现, 就剩下几个快烂掉的果子, 我们又继续沿着竹林往前找,终于找到了挂满芒果的树滕,应该没有人摘过,太兴奋了,摘了有5斤吧

Wild mango, we dialect here, do not understand, called the August bombing, which means ripe himself bombing, very delicious wild mango, cooked sweet, unlike the supermarkets which sell mango, this has A lot of seeds
野芒果我们这里的方言听不太懂,叫八月炸,意思就是成熟了自己炸开, 非常好吃的野芒果,熟的很甜很甜,不同于超市里面卖的芒果,这个有很多种子

Mature wild mango's own will open a small mouth / 熟的自己会开一个小口,它们喜欢生长在溪流,长年有水的地方,沿着溪流就能找到它们

This is the downhill encountered an old man selling vegetables, it dug a lot of houttuynia in the mountains,, Houttuynia have anti-inflammatory effect, very popular

This should be the old loofah / 这应该是老丝瓜,用来做什么用呢?

Leaving some green wild mango, not mature, the week i will bring LIN to pick, so that they also experience the fun of picking a wild fruit
剩下一些青的野芒果,还没有熟, 下周带LIN来摘,让她们也体验一次摘野果的乐趣, 过一段时间,下霜的时候,山上有许多野柿子,现在有很多野毛栗

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    Are they as sweet as farmed mangoes?

    I feel more delicious, they are naturally ripe

    That is very cool! I'm glad you got to enjoy the fruit of your hard work to get them! And thanks for sharing your local name for them, August bombing. There are so many different names for plants, lol!

    Thanks for showing the inside of the fruit. From the many seeds inside, it looks like what we call "Passionfruit" in the US. It is in the genus Passiflora and they grow on vines. What we see in the stores as "Mango" just have one big seed.

    What will you do with all your fruit? Do you eat it fresh or do you save it some way? Enjoy your wild fruit!

    I'm tagging this with the #foraging tag, because you got your fruit from the forest. If you add the Foraging tag to your posts, it will be easier for me to find it and consider it for the SteemTrail @foraging-trail curation. You can find out more here and here.

    Thank you, I have added foraging tags :)

    好好吃, 今天在铁佛寺上面摘的吧

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    Thank you for sharing. Enjoyed the post.

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