Tourism in Fu Chun Town - Parental instruction 赋春镇旅游 - 家训 (原创)

in #travel8 years ago

Wuyuan is China's most beautiful village, To Wuyuan through the town of Fu Chun, Yuanyang Lake is very famous,If you come to China rural tourism, there must be to see,Starting from Jingdezhen to Fu Chun just 30 minutes,the weekend to travel more and more people to visit the town of Fu Chun,Fu Chun has a long history, antiquity Yun, since the Song to the Qing, officials more than 100 people, the Qing Dynasty famous scientists,Writer QI Yan-huai and other historical figures,Fu Chun Street is still preserved intact Ming and Qing architecture, where the teahouse is very popular
婺源是中国最美丽的村庄,去婺源高速途经赋春镇,赋春镇主要景点有鸳鸯湖,严田古樟、金山茶庄,游客们应该去参观赋春的鸳鸯湖,现在应该有无数的鸳鸯飞回来了,从景德镇出发到赋春只需30分钟,走景婺黄高速很近,赋春镇的建筑风格和婺源是一样的,周末来这旅游的人们越来越多,参观赋春镇是不收票的,赋春历史悠久,古风蕴藉,自宋至清,仕官百余人,清代著名科学家,文学家齐彦槐等历史人物, 赋春老街仍然保存完整的明清建筑,这里的茶馆是很受欢迎的

Chinese traditional parental instruction owns a long history, it is abundant in content,This is the parental instruction of the ancients

对自己好点,因为一辈子不长, 对身边的人好点,因为下辈子不一定能够遇见
Good points of their own,because life is not long; of those around us better,because my next life may not be met.

Qing Xiu can be rich and wealth, wealth can not do not repair

Do not belong to your wealth, do not get it

人非圣贤,熟能无过? 过而能改,善莫大焉
People will make mistakes,The mistake needs correction

Should be prepared in advance, no water to drink, to think about digging wells for water

Some of the street scenery, ancient and primitive

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