5 Ways How to: Work and Travel (Pt.1)

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

How do people do it? Travel the world and work from the internet? I've heard and seen this question many times and I know that a lot of people have the false belief of "it might be possible for others, but not for me / in my case it's different".

Well as a result of the digital revolution it's possible for anybody with a dream and wifi. If you want to travel the world as a digital nomad, you have to pretty much marry the internet. The internet will be your workplace. But enough talking, I did an introduction post already. Here are some suggestions on how to work and travel:

 1. Web Design and E-Commerce

Digital commerce is nothing new. Amazon isn't dead and anybody right now can earn an income, by either creating an own online shop of products, or selling on a third party market place. You can test your selling skills by starting like many online entrepreneurs with affiliate marketing, or jump straight into an own business . You can create a brand on social media and turn that into your business, like the Instagram-boutiques do it. You can even create several product-specific sites and as an experiment launch them simultaneously to see what works and what doesn't, selling online niche products. The main way to adapt a skill is simply by the good ole trial-and-error method. There is a lot to learn in this field, more than needed information about it, but I suggest start first, learn how to make a website and start selling. You can either learn it from scratch, and master the skill, or if you want to focus more on selling and less on building, you can even use a template and by dragging and dropping create your website in less than a day.  

2. Freelancing 

You can sell a skill of yours, again either on a third party platform like Fiverr or Udemy, or directly create website that displays your freelancing skills. If you don't know what skills you have, think about what skill you would like to have. Now I know from my own circle that many people have the concern of not knowing what it is they can do, what skills they can monetize and how.   If you don't have a skill, you're lucky to be living in the digital age where you are granted access to anything you want to know/learn for free. You can do research any field, take online classes and learn a skill yourself! Even if you want to start your own business and don't have the budget to hire a team, you can learn a skill like web design, APP development, copywriting or SEO and while creating stuff for yourself, use that skill to make money on the side.  

3. Digital Products 

Digital products are definitely a good option, for those seeking more independency and are generally the creative type. With physical products there can also be issues with handling shipping, returns etc. and requires more help from others, meanwhile digital products like e-books, video courses etc. can be done by one person and once finished, don't need a whole lot of extra work. Depending on how much you enjoy explaining, expressing and communication, this might be a great option for you. Many people believe that they need some sort of degree and earn the right to package their knowledge into a product, but the truth is it takes nothing, but you focussing on something that you know brings value to others. Only the market will tell you if you're ready. Going out in the market is scary, but the only practical way to learn and improve.  

4. Consulting 

A consultant is nothing, but somebody who has done research in a particular field and knows how to simplify the matter and communicate it to a niche specific audience. Consulting is similar to creating digital products, with the difference that it's live and the relationship to your clients is more personal. Consultation in a certain area is a great option, if you've done something successful for yourself and friends have asked you for your help. This "help" might be needed from a lot more people and if you know how to solve certain problems, you have the right to turn it into a service-based business. I personally am not a big fan of the many "online coaches" and rather focus on businesses you can bring value. The main point here is that you don't need approval from anyone to do something or be someone, but if you choose a self-study path, you will need to put in just as much, if not even more effort.

5. Trading 

Obviously cryptocurrencies. Now some might disagree, but trading doesn't have to be full time, it can be a possible additional income stream. People think it's related to gambling, when you all I'm assuming know, that trading has not to do with luck, but with economics, knowledge and math. If you are a crypto-enthusiast, with analytical tendencies and excited about the concept of blockchain technology, but have stayed away from trading (like some of my friends), I can only suggest to take a leap of faith, sit down a few nights to do research, dig deep and enter the crypto-space. I personally have never been a trader, nor interested in stocks before because the short-term small percentages did not appeal to me , but crypto set a completely new pace. We know that doubling or tripling our investment in a day can easily be achieved with the right knowledge, some practice and timing. It's fun once you get the hang, and consider it as a game rather than a real job. Just like with any of these suggestions, but this one in particular is nothing you should rely on 100%. Instead play with it, but take it serious at the same time. Loosing is also part of the game if you quit easily then trading might not be for you, as it take some fun for risk. But the upside I personally believe: You can win short-term, but even if you play a little wrong, and just hold it you will win on the long-run.

I hope you enjoyed Part 1 of "How to: Work and Travel" an maybe you gained some inspiration. The list is obviously only a small part of the selection, anyone can start with immediately. This blogpost is meant to simply demonstrate what's possible and that there are plenty of options, that even if we choose not to pick should honor. All you need to figure out is what it is you want to do/learn, how much time, energy and effort are you willing to put in and you can begin to manifest. We truly live in a privileged time, be aware of that, appreciate it and I encourage you to take advantage of it. 

Part 2 of suggestions will be coming to you shortly, but of course you can leave your own suggestions and additions as well.  

If you could be a pro or expert at one thing what would it be and why?

Much love,

- Mrs.Steemit


I think all of these are good options depending on a personal skill set and willingness, for me personally it's definitely all about trading and becoming a master trader. Mastering technical analysis mostly...

If myself or others could do that then we could smash the crypto currency markets and the forex exchange markets...

Awesome post once again. Keep them coming, forever learning from you.

Thank! & Good niche. It's where the future is headed :)

I love how engaging your posts are. Indeed it is such a privilege to be living in the digital age, where you have access too (mostly.. xD) free information, right at your fingertips. ^_^

Having experienced this lifestyle a tiny bit I have to add that it's a wee bit lonely to do. I missed having coworkers and being a part of a team. But for the right people it can be a dream come true (:

I should have mentioned that I mostly travel with an amazing team, my friends! That makes it a lot more fun :)

If you could only concentrate on one, which would it be?

Trading for me

Great post! It's inspiring to see people like yourself traveling and working; I own a video production company, and have an online business where we sell digital products, and Udemy courses. Making passive income has allowed traveling and freedom and I'm so grateful for the wonderful worldwide web that allows such a vast platform to reach and help people. Your posts rock! They're full of valuable info! Look forward to checking more out:)

That's awesome, thanks for sharing! Wishing you all the best :)

@mrs.steemit - I traveled a lot during my previous life as an executive - Always stressful meetings, goals and targets. Could not enjoy the travel much. Now, semi-retired, I work as a consultant,and manage to enjoy my travel as well as follow my passion of wildlife/nature photography. I agree
with your thought that , using the internet, one can work as well as travel and enjoy life at ones own pace
. Thanks for sharing these ways. I am sure they will benefit many Steemians.

I am continuing my focus on wildlife. Today I wrote a blog on Snoozing parrots with my musings about Thomas Carlyle equating parrots to economists and another one about How to Chill Monkey style. I request you to take a look at it when you have time. Your comments, as always, would be an encouragement and incentive for me to make better blogs. Thanks

Thanks! It's crazy where life can take you when you go with the flow. I'll make sure to check your blog out

@mrs.steemit - Thank you. I am experiencing the flow now - at a little later stage in life but I am sure I am going to enjoy the journey
Thank you for your visits to my blogs. They always make me feel proud.

The best way to combine them is to travel and then post on Steemit! :D

Excellent tips, love that you included crypto in there! We travel full-time and that's actually one of the ways we fund our travels. We currently have a couple of ETH mining rigs which supplement a bit of our income. We're also starting to dabble in digital content and so far it's working. Awesome tips, they actually work!

Thanks! It really does, and the crazy thing is that most people have no clue about it! An exciting time to be alive..

this is really a great post. thanks for sharing @mrs.steemit

Awesome post ....Good Information

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