A Man Consumed by Wanderlust | Have you been a victim? | My Story

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

Hello mighty readers! Have you ever thought about your wanderlust? This is how it started for me.

Often times friends question me about my wanderlust.

     - Dude, can't you just stop thinking about travels? Where does that restlessness comes from? Its not normal! - They say.

To be honest I haven't thought about this until I've started writing my book after I came back from Patagonia. Unfortunately the book will take long to become public and it's all written in portuguese. However I do love steemit and all the friends I'm making here, so I decided to make an english version of that part.

I hope you enjoy! And better if you can share your story on the comments...

Click to enlarge!

All the little stories of childhood help tracing who you are and help shape who you want to be. They are like a seed, that planted in childhood germinates, transforming you into an adult with ideas and dreams. - Arthur Oliveira

It was already the end of 2016, a year marked by the change: I left the capital Porto Alegre, where I lived for six years to complete the engineering college (in an excruciating routine of work, college and home), to go back to my hometown, Pelotas, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul; there were also changes in the professional field, from engineer to English teacher. The student phase had passed and I was trying to start an independent life in the middle of yet another political and economic crisis in Brazil. Things were not working out very well and the discouragement started to show.

It is quite true that the end of a college opens windows of reflection, the classic "and now what?". And now...? I had the constant thought that maybe I would need to spend many years working in a monotonous industry to sometimes contemplate thirty days of vacations and later a retirement, to finally enjoy the rest of the life. This frightened me and it was not the way I wanted to follow to fulfil my dreams .

I've always been a guy who likes nature. The school holidays, in childhood, were divided between exploring the woods on my grandparents' farm or walking on the dunes of the beach, sometimes on weekends the fun was a visit to the Baroness Park in my hometown or pretend I was an explorer with my dad at the Cascata waterfall, any chance of getting in the car and going out somewhere new attracted me. We had a simple life and traveling abroad was never considered at that time, only by documentaries or books.

I've also been a Boy Scout, I loved seeing the older guys with those huge external frame backpacks, their knowledge of shelter building, rope handling, knife handling. It is true that shyness was the scene of some crying situations on camping trips, I was about ten years old.

All the little stories of childhood help tracing who you are and help shape who you want to be. They are like a seed, that planted in childhood germinates, transforming you into an adult with ideas and dreams. If it weren't by the childhood stories, this text would not have been written and I would not have found that realizing dreams goes beyond money and possessions, it is determination to put the necessary effort, focus on the goal, and believe that it is possible, even if the budget is low.

The student times of technical and university course, already into adulthood (20-27 years) were decreasing the frequency of adventures. Eventhough I had traveled abroad with my family on vacation and had done a couple of camping trips with friends, I still thought something I could not conceive was missing, an restlessness, a desire to simply explore the world. I wanted to revolutionize the way I was living and find the adrenaline that childhood provided, I wanted to get off the couch and go, I wanted to travel and see with my own eyes and not through the internet. To stop thinking that maybe one day I could go through those places and just go there somehow.

With all the crazyness going on at the same time I carried with me the thoughts of the Brazilian sailor Amyr Klink, whose adventures around the world inspire me. I was taken by the obsession of traveling the world, no longer mattered a career and a stable life, to my mother's desperation.

That's how my wanderslust became real!

As you may have noticed I've been living some crazy stories and I have a feeling that my travel dreams are slowly becoming real, one step after another!

I'd love to hear from you. How have your wanderlust started? What do you do to fulfil it? Share in the comments down below!

If you liked this post, please, consider leaving your upvote for a hot coffee.

~Love ya all, Arthur

I'm Arthur. I blog about Brazil, Adventure Stories, Travel, Camping & Life Experiences.

Follow me to stay tunned for more info and tips.

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Not yet, but i want to be consumed by it...

Hey @sina-adventure thank you for the comment

Looking at your posts I can already tell you that you have all the means to be a victim of this incredible disease hahaha, just need to put your bike on the road my friend.
You are a great photographer!

Thanks for visiting my blog. I have thought about traveling by bike. Even planned for it in my mind (not a serious one though) but when ever i see how people drive on the roads and how narrow some roads are, i tell my self "maybe travelling by bike is not that interesting". I'm thinking about buying a van (because the bike fits in 😁) but i don't have the money yet.

That sounds like a great plan! I've though about a van myself, but the gas costs here are too high.
The one thing about traveling by bike is caution, sometimes choosing a longer route to avoid highways is better than getting faster to the destination.

Here in iran the gas cost is not an issue (about 1/20 of steem per litr).

Holy moly, less than a dollar per liter? Here in Brazil we pay 1,3 dollars per liter.

Way less than a dollar. About 5.5 litr for one dollar. The dollar value compared to Rial (Iran's currency) is fluctuating so it differs time to time.

Your currency is called Rial? That's fantastic... our brazilian currency is called Real, almost the same name. Man, you have all the means to be able to travel (logistically speaking) I gas costed that low here I'd be on the road already hahahahaha

"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to."

So great to here that you slowly manage to turn your passion into your living! I'm still on my way to seek the road that will carry me on...

Epic quote @lakesnmountains!
It summarizes exactly what I think, it's dangerous to step outside, you can contract the wanderlust desease, it has no cure.

The road will present itself, you just need to keep on going forward. There will be many to tell you it's not possible! As you could see it took me 29 years and an engineering graduation to discover that hhhhhahaha
Better late than never.

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