Birthday Spa Day

in #travel6 years ago

Last week was my birthday and I wanted to share a nice experience with my wife, @techslut.

I wanted something involving a massage and my wife found an amazing experience called 'The Magic Of Touch' (Kessem Bamaga Spa). It's a small private place that offers various health treatments like full body Garra Rufa exfoliation, hot tub, massage (both giving and teaching), hot stones and scrubbing using oils distilled from the garden outside.

We were greeted by the proprietor and our host for the day, Baruch.

And, knowing it was my birthday, he even inscribed a personal greeting on the door.


The place looked amazing. It's hard to believe it was around for more than 12 years. It looked brand new.




Here is @techslut in her spa robe showing you the place.

First thing we did was to sit down for a talk over herbal tea and some cookies. Baruch reviewed our medical history and our likes and dislikes when it comes to touch.

The aloe vera he brought from the garden is for me - just walking from the driveway to the door I managed to attract the attention of several hungry mosquitoes and the aloe really helped with the itchiness.

We covered what our special spa deal for the day will entail - we would get about 30 minutes in the Garra Rufa pool, another 30 in the hot tub, about two hours each of massage and then the hydrosol scrub for @techslut.

The massage will be joint - first Baruch and I will massage @techslut (and I'll get a thorough lesson on how to give her a royal massage) and then I'll lay down and the two of them would work on me as he teaches her how to massage me.

He told us a bit about the place, how the fish water were used to hydro grow most of the plants outside.


He also offered as a possibility to have @techslut pick with him the various plants he'll distill for her hydrosol. If we wanted to take more time he could have done a complete distillation and then use the oil for our massage but we thought that the we were fine without it - he still distills the massage oil himself from his own garden.

As I hesitantly tried the Garra Rufa pool (first time experience) Baruch took @techslut outside to pick the plants she would like him to use with her later.


Here is the full bowl of plant life later to become hydrosol.

In the meantime I was having a most peculiar experience with the exfoliating fish. See, he told us the best way to enjoy the pool was fully naked and, this being my first experience with the fish, I thought I'd give it a try. I started slowly, just with my feet.


I guess I had a lot of dead skin on my soles since they swarmed me. The sensation was somewhere between ticklish and a mild electric shock. Not unpleasant but not the experience I was expecting. After a while, when I thought I got the hang of this, I tried submerging fully. An inquisitive fish thought to look at my bum. I did not like that. At all. So I sat down quickly to deprive the fish of access. Then I quickly used my hands to cover my privates since I didn't particularly like that feeling either.

I was fine with everything else and I stayed in the pool until my wife came back. She saw me sitting naked in the fish pool contemplating the weirdness of it all with my hand on my privates and couldn't stop laughing.

I got the last laugh though since now it was her turn.

I took a video of that first entry (her first experience with the fish, same as mine) but, since she's naked, I decided not to share. She decided to learn from my experience and after the initial foot acclimation put on the bottom of her bathing suit to protect.. what needed to be protected. She then enjoyed her time with the fish, claiming she could feel how silky smooth and baby-like her skin was getting.

I had lots of hard skin build-up on my soles and after my visit to the pool that was gone. I'm still not used to my feet being so soft.

After we were both done with the fish we took a nice soak in the hot tub. Here's me, starting my soak by taking all the space.

We took our time at the hot tub while Baruch was distilling the plants for later.

What followed was some of the most intense massage my wife and I shared. We learned a lot and we intend to keep practicing - we're even looking to buy our own massage bed.

After both our massages ended there was another hour or so of the scrub which my wife described as 'Orgasmic'.

To give you an idea of Baruch's dedication - we came at 11:30 and we left at 20:30. We were there for 9 whole hours of spa magic. It was only supposed to be 5 hours but our massages ran a bit long since we're both curious, inquisitive and perfectionists so we really wanted to get it right. Baruch had to move two other clients to accommodate us but he felt we needed it so we stayed without even mentioning the clock.

The only thing is that after so many hours of massage (both giving and receiving) we were famished. We didn't plan on such a long stay so we didn't bring any food with us. The only food he had on hand were dried fruit, cookies and various nuts. Not really a full meal.

When we got home we ordered a burger that seemed to take forever to arrive. It was delicious though.

Thus ended one of the better birthdays I had. I really hope @Techslut and I will be able to persevere and keep practicing our technique. We can always go back if we feel we need a refresher.

If you find yourself in our neck of the woods and want a really dedicated and attentive masseuse and a wonderful spa experience I can wholeheartedly recommend Kessem Bamaga Spa .


Up voted , look like you had alot of fun .

The spa look amazing .

It is. It was like a one day vacation. I loved it.

many many haapy returns of the day.Keep smile on your face always

Thanks. The massage helped with the smile :)

These are small fish @mrlightning

yup. and they wriggled. a lot.

by the way she is beautiful

@techslut? yes she is. You can tell her that :)


Oh do go on! <3

really u r very cute @techslut

You are very beautiful @techslut

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