Lotte World Tower Seoul Sky (롯데월드타워 서울스카이)

in #travel6 years ago

The Wait...

During the Lunar New Year (설날) I visited my friend's family to have dinner with them, which was a great experience to have. The next day, my buddy and I went to visit Lotte World Tower. The tower has 123 floors and stands over 478m. Here are some photos that I took of the trip. You can find more specific information about this place in the link above.
Outside shot, then we wait in line...

Got our tickets, now, we wait in another line...

You know it is going to be a long wait when they have ceiling visuals specifically made to keep you calm while you wait.



So relaxing...

Guess what, another line. This is line 4 now.

These visuals are cool though because they replicate the traditional ceilings of Joseon era palaces.

At the Top at Last!!

Finally got to the top!!


Down below, you can see Lotte World. Imagine if Walmart had its own little Disney World. That is what it is.


The Glass Floor Observatory

Here is the highest glass-floored observatory in the world :) don't be nervous lol



This is a Christmas tree tower thing that lights up when you press various buttons. The buttons represent what you want for the world. Love- Red Happiness- Blue Hope- Green was the colors. I just kept pressing love. lol







A Napoleon Display??

I have no idea what was the deal with having Bonaparte's hat on display up on the top floor but it was interesting, and I got to wear a replica. So, whatever I guess.



I had to take one silly one with the hat 😂

Was this Worth it?

After waiting over an hour and a half (waiting in about six lines going up and down) and paying about the equivalent of 25$, I say that it was overall worth it. The view is beautiful, but the windows obstruct the lovely shots. There is an outside terrace but was closed because of wind. However, it is high up and is something you cannot experience elsewhere in Korea. So I do recommend this place if you visit Seoul. Also, you can get a discount on tickets if you have a Lotte membership, just saying.

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Until then,
Ride on!



That is a nice photo too! I wasn't able to get that far away that day, though. :)

That vista above, can clearly see the separation of buildings, with a big main road in the centre. Larger building blocks in the back row, then pockets of resistance.

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Wow man thats a looong building! And great photos man you are lucky you was there I'm jealous! 😢😅

Yeah, it was a great day to go, even if the wind was high I got some clear shots :)

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